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An Analysis Of Li Yu 's Comments On The Romance Of The Three Kingdoms

Posted on:2015-07-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Y ZhouFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330431993548Subject:Literature and art
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Li Liweng’s Review on Romance of The Three Kingdoms is an importantversion of the Romance of The Three Kingdoms. It gave the Romance of The ThreeKingdoms the first reputation for "the first writing" and named it after the first wisebook, which to a great extent improved the position and popularity of the originaltexts of the Romance of Three Kingdoms. However, whether the book was writtenby Li Liweng, a variety of viewpoints differ from person to person so that theauthenticity of the preface to the Romance of The Three Kingdoms is alsoquestioned.The author denies it and claims that the book is a pseudograph which is writtenby someone else pretending to be Li Liweng. The anther discussed it from theperspective of temporal considerations, the original of the preface, content and style,contradiction of the beginning and the ending.Whether the author of the book was Li Liweng or not, Li Liweng’s Review onRomance is of a great significant value. Many a review is accurate, such ascomments on plot, portraying characters, revealing the main ideas of the book, andso on. However, it copied “Mao Pi”(the abbreviation of Mao’s Review on Romanceof Three Kingdoms) so much that its evaluation achieved in the academic field is nothigh. The author summarized its novelty and difference from the “Mao Pi”. And thespecific research value of “Li Ping Ben”(the abbreviation of Li Liweng’s Review onRomance) is also illustrated, compared the difference between Li Liweng’s Reviewon Romance and Lizhi’s Review on Romance.
Keywords/Search Tags:“the work remarked by Li”, “the work remarked by Mao”, Li Yu, MaoZonggang, Li Zhi
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