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Studies Of The Society

Posted on:2015-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2175330431471801Subject:Historical Theory and History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In May1924, Lu Kanru,You Guoen,Lin Zhitang,Zhang Weiqi and Huang Youshi who arestudents of Department of Chinese in Peking University,created Department of Sinologyattached to love Chi organization.In June1926, they created a new independent organizationbearing a name of Shu Xue Union. In June6,1924, they founded Monthly Sinology, the firstVolume of which is composed of three special issues, such as Poetry of the South, Book ofPoetry and Tao Yuanming.In January1927, The second Volume of it published as communityPeriodical of Shu Xue Union,, in which ninety eight combined issue as "Mr. Wang Jingan specialissue." In June1929, they renamed Monthly Sinology as Monthly of Shu xue Union from the thirdvolume,but there are only four volumes. They Edit "said Society Series", a collection of sixteenbooks of seven members.Shu Xue Union is influences by the "National Heritage" movement, and their researchmethod also has distinctive character of the times. They used to "set the public research," notonly pursuit the part of the history of Chinese literature,but also research some topics incollaborative efforts, and gather information common ground,in order to to learn from eachother and critical. They used "literary concept of historical evolution" in the history of Chineseliterature studies, literary history by rewriting literary ideas to break orthodoxy. They study theattitude of the opposition to the ancient faith, to promote "deviant" and "break the old saying"; inthe way they test data as a means. This isobviously subject to the Ideological trend of "Doubting"and "textual" style of study.The development of Shu Xue Union is not a smooth way, but is full of difficulties andsetbacks. Their work is often due to professional are not like by the publishers and frequentlyblocked. They are subject to the "textual criticism Wind",but neglects the impact of writing,Thisconcept in Shanghai faced with severe challenges, and a intense conflict that occurred in publicschool teaching Chinese Literature in Chinese Public School. They initially also immersed invarious "isms", but in turn to the "National Heritage" movement they indulge in themethods.They ignored the " Critical attitude " which is repeatedly stressed by Hu shi." Criticalattitude “refers to the slogan of "revaluation of all values." For traditional culture,you shuld havea dissatisfied attitude.Finally,in the wave of retro, colleagues of Shu Xue Union described in the"beginning of the third volume of the newspaper published the word" disnounced of "Guoguang" movement.
Keywords/Search Tags:Love Chi organization, Shu Xue Union, Lu kanru, Monthly Sinology
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