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The Pattern Of Taiji And The Time Cycle Of "Yellow Emperor 's Canon"

Posted on:2017-05-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2174330482985700Subject:Basic Theory of TCM
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper discusses the "Yellow Emperor" time period from Taiji partition mode.The time period associated with Tai Chi partition mode There are two main points tai chi, tai chi three points, four tai chi, tai chi fifth, sixth tai chi, tai chi eight very tai chi, tai chi twelfth division mode. This thesis is divided for each mode individually discuss Taiji and the corresponding original "via" time period enumerate, classify, organize.Taiji dichotomous model is yin and yang. Yin and Yang is an important ancient Chinese philosophy, "Book of Changes" and "after" view that is the yin and yang Heaven and Earth. Yin and yang with easy, simplicity row, and so easy to change the overall characteristics of both male female humble respect, the relative characteristics of the male genital Lord Lord like. "Nei Jing" major application binary time for day and night and summer and winter. In day and night time focused on the circadian rhythm Camp David through the line and found the gas business through the line and is closely related to internal respiration, Wei gas through the line and the external number of homes on line are closely related.Taiji third mode is with God. Three is the ancient Chinese philosophy is important, "two three, three things," and the third is the dividing line between yin and yang, heaven and earth is the central gas deposit lies; the number of days a number two to number three man-made world of the spirit. "Via" Application of the three main time is three o’clock day and moon phase moon, expressed mainly from weak Shing Road, Zhuang, and then Sheng-bust cycle.Tai Chi is four images of four modes. "Astrotech Health four images," four images born of yin and yang. Four images of lunar, Shao, the sun, Shaoyang, according to the division of the different ways of yin and yang, four images are arranged in two ways two arrangement moon, the sun’s position unchanged, Shao, Shaoyang position swap. Analysis of yin and yang than four images, to find the sun and the moon and the pure Yin Chun-yang, and Shaoyang Shao yin and yang have; male and female less than the male, but the performance is positive; less than Yin Yin and Yang, but the performance is overcast. "Nei Jing" main application time is at 4:00 on the 1st quarter and throughout the year. "Classic" is widely used for four seasons, many articles from many aspects of the original Four Seasons Health, four of disease, acupuncture seasons, four pulse, four gas lines, etc. This is illustrated.Taiji fifth model is the five elements. Five important ancient Chinese philosophy of heaven and earth, the body, everything can be summarized into five elements system. Five System "Peter Aioi and phase between wins," so that each row have a close correlation between things, mutual restraint, balance. "Nei Jing" fifth time mainly used in five seasons a year, the use of the five elements, five grams during the lifetime of the relationship between the five elements and the corresponding Wu Zang, judge Wu Zang ups and downs.Tai Chi sixth mode is Sanyang. Sanyang is a unique system of family doctors. In addition to Shaoyang, Sun Shao, lunar four images, and "two Yang Heming" built Yangming, "two vaginal do," built Jueyin. "Nei Jing" major application sixth time, one "Q · Pulse Solutions article" temporal law, and second time with six gas law. "Q · Pulse Solutions piece" in the manner of attachment Sanyang Triad Bureau, and twelve message Gua Yin and Yang ways to interpret this. Six gas temporal law, "Classic" to "winter" as the division starting point is to consider from the perspective of the weather; Five and Six to "Big Chill" as the division starting point is from the viewpoint of earth gas.Taiji eighth mode is gossip. Congenital and acquired gossip gossipgossip, are derived from the "Book of Changes", the representative of the spatial orientation of congenital gossip and acquired gossip is a combination of space-time model. "Nei Jing" eighth time is mainly used in the "coffin · Jiu Gong" and "coffin · On the nine-pin", "coffin Jiu Gong" will be the day after tomorrow gossip, eight position, eight are solar terms, TaichiJiugong phase attachment; "Lingshu · On the nine-pin" the nine and eight are the throttle body, ten dry and the twelve Earthly Branches to match the case.Tai Chi is very dry mode ten days. Heavenly is the weather count, ten dry things expressed strong growth already old process. Application is very time "via" major attachment ten days dry five elements, five movements, five bodies, as well as correspondence with the twelve meridians.Tai Chi-twelfth of the pattern is twelve Earthly Branches. Earthly gas is to count the twelve Earthly Branches express things grow old and have strong process. Applications twelfth time "via" There are 72 to dominate the genus twelve foot, hand, foot and twelve Sanyang.
Keywords/Search Tags:Canon, time, Taiji
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