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Research On The Application And Evaluation Of Five Kinds Of Chinese Medicine Suitable Technology Packs For Grass - Roots Level

Posted on:2017-02-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2174330482484424Subject:Social Medicine and Health Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Objective:The main purpose of this study is the outcome of TCM appropriate technology packages Demonstration provinces to promote the application of comprehensive evaluation, the effect is to promote different technological packages to found insufficient, the effect of improving the results of poor Chinese medicine appropriate technology package, thereby screening the results of appropriate package to increase promotion efforts to promote TCM appropriate technology packages provide better suggestions in the promotion and application of non-pilot areas; comparative analysis of a number of project evaluation methods to explore a suitable method for the evaluation of appropriate technology packages, after relevant studies play a reference.Methods:This article through the literature research to determine the research framework of this study; Understanding of project evaluation principle, using conditions and advantages and disadvantages of various methods, provide a basis for choosing suitable assessment methods; Understanding of health program evaluation index system of choice, provide a reference for this study. Using four types of questionnaires, "Chinese medicine appropriate technology package" promotion, training information form, by trainers case registration questionnaire, evaluation questionnaires and grassroots health workers "in traditional Chinese medicine appropriate technology package" usage questionnaire, field investigation to collect relevant data, effectively ensure the comprehensiveness of the data collection, authenticity and accuracy. Through the TOPSIS method and rank and analogy method of five kinds of Chinese medicine appropriate technology package in seven pilot provinces to evaluate the application effect of analysis.Results:(1) five kinds of appropriate technology package is mainly in the pilot township medical institutions, the proportion was over 90%. the provinces are on the "neck and back pain" package has a larger investment, and malignant tumors "package put less involved in the outcome of the package, male medical staff training (59.84%) than women (40.16%), mainly in the age of 30-50 years (72.61%) between the mostly undergraduate (42.02%) and specialist (30.32%) education, but primary and below titles (43.09%) accounted for the majority of medical workers, medical staff believe the outcome of package maturity (82.84%), easy to learn (71.54%), do not ask for equipment (78.31%), does not produce "adverse reactions "(97.96%), acceptance (72.54%), treatment (89.51%), the expected number of patients will increase (79.14%) and other aspects of the evaluation is higher, there are 55.01% and medical reviewers considered the outcome of package technology grassroots alternative prior art the highest (71.43%) evaluators level of demand for "gynecological" package, the extent of the demand for "malignant package" the lowest (46.89%).(2)the five kinds of appropriate technology package evaluation showed that:"neck and back pain," the package and "chronic stomach" package at the grassroots level to promote good effect, relatively poor "neoplastic disease" package promotion. On the one hand to achieve better results obtained by TOPSIS Evaluation of the results of the package followed by the package neck and back pain, chronic stomach bag, bag gynecological diseases, malignant tumors and children with diarrhea bag package. Wherein the Ci value "neck and back pain," the package is a maximum of 0.76, Ci value "neoplastic disease" Package is a minimum of 0.00; on the other hand, the use of evaluation results RSR is ranked superior technology package file is "neck low back pain shoulder "package, technology package came in the differential gear is" neoplastic disease "package. Evaluation of the results of the two methods are basically the same, "neck and back pain," the package and "chronic stomach" were the top two, including "neoplastic disease" were ranked last.(3) the promotion of demonstration effect seven provinces evaluation showed that:Hebei, Shandong, Guizhou and Yunnan top four, but after the Sichuan, Gansu and Ningxia provinces ranked third. On the one hand using TOPSIS Evaluation, and the effects are descending Hebei, Shandong, Guizhou, Yunnan, Gansu, Ningxia and Sichuan provinces. Wherein, Ci value Hebei maximum of 0.66, Ci Sichuan minimum value of 0.24; on the other hand, the use of RSR evaluation excellent file row in the provinces of Shandong Province, Hebei Province, the remaining provinces are ranked in the mid-range. Overall the two methods are basically the same sort of situation.Conclusions:(1) we can see from the results of the five kinds of packages to promote appropriate technology in general has achieved good results, has been the recipient of technology users and technology recognition, to achieve better promotion effect and social benefits, can in the future course of the promotion of appropriate technologies continue to depth. (2) The results of this study two methods of comprehensive evaluation results are basically the same, you can make a reference for future research.
Keywords/Search Tags:primary, TCM appropriate technology, comprehensive evaluation
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