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General Test Database System Based On B/S Architecture

Posted on:2006-03-08Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H ChangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2168360182957234Subject:Software engineering
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the development of modern technology, computer has become a key part in people's life and been applied into various fields. In term of education, the application of CAD and multi-media enriches the teaching activities and help the teachers and students interact and promote the students'motivation. To examine the students'level of grasping the knowledge, tests are taken at different stages. In conventional way of test, teachers spent a great deal of time and energy designing test papers, usually out of enormous test database. It is time-consuming and low efficient. Then test database system and its automation have become an important subject for research. With the help of the related projects, a series of test database system has been conducted. General Test Database System enables to design an agreeable test paper in limited time, and therefore reduce the teachers'workload. Meanwhile, the efficiency and quality of test design are increased. General Test Database System does not only make a quick and comprehensive design of test, but also makes full use of database technology. In this way, the amount of restoration of tests is enlarged and the variety is also enriched. The check function in General Test Database System conducts strict control on the quality of test. In contrast to the conventional way of test design, General Test Database System cannot only restore, classify and manage tests, but use computer technology to select appropriate questions to write test paper. It is convenient for the teachers to test students at different stages. General Test Database System offers online test and online inquiry so that the interaction between teachers and students can be realized. General Test Database System based on B/S architecture is hence produced. This paper illustrated the structure of General Test Database System and the design process. The system uses Java language, Borderland JBuilder as tool, Microsoft SQL Server as database. The advantages of Borderland Jbuilder in e-commerce software system makes this system user-friendly, convenient, quick, safe with various functions. This system follows strictly the concepts of software engineering projects, including six modules---role managing subsystem ,writing maintenance subsystem , questions building-up subsystem , message searching subsystem ,exercises on line subsystem and answers on line subsystem. Role managing subsystem helps the users check their information and permission after successful log-in. It helps to distribute roles to different legal users. Different users can use different functions since they have been set aside ahead the time. Writing maintenance subsystem can "check, write, delete, and correct"the tests. Writing is make in two ways: writing one question or writing groups of questions. Questions building-up subsystem helps pick up questions through analyzing the level of difficulty, knowledge points, and types of question. Message searching subsystem helps search a knowledge point under limited permission in the way of quickly checking and searching. Exercises on line subsystem helps permitted users do exercises on line and check the marks. Answers on line subsystem helps answer the students'questions on line so as to achieve the interaction between teachers and students. The focus of design section in this paper is centered on the design of writing maintenance subsystem. In the test system, control on quality and calculation of writing are two key links. After the construction of test system, parameters are needed to select appropriate questions to build up useful test paper. Calculation of writing paper is to turn those parameters into applicable features for computers. With the features, computer can pick up the questions to build up a test paper. A complete calculation of writing consists of: definition of question features, definition of parameters and illustration of changed calculation. According to the different ways of writing papers, intelligent writing and random writing are made to write papers. Intelligent writing can make a paper by setting up a mixture of features and question types. Random writing is to pick up all questions of same difficulty and same type and then produce random function. The practice of the system is a whole process of developing software system. It concerns the theory and realization of applicable software design and software engineering. It also combines the developing technology for users and design concepts. Different aspects are involved in the design of this system and it has strong generalization and application. Due to time limits, the system is to be further improved.
Keywords/Search Tags:Architecture
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