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Study For Application Of Ontology In Intelligent Information Retrieval System

Posted on:2006-10-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L P FengFull Text:PDF
GTID:2168360152471331Subject:Communication and Information System
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The paper aims at lack of PSP ontology and efficient developing method, Pumped Stored Power (PSP)resources which is distributed, heterogeneous, various so that users can not retrieval resources quickly and precisely. On the basis of analyzing the theory and characteristic of ontology when it represent the knowledge of a domain, the method of the software engineering is introduced to build PSP ontology, and a model is built for PSP ontology. Under the help of PSP expert, the development of the standard and expanded and independent PSP ontology is analyzed by an example of building the Reaction Water Turbine Ontology, the storage independent of applications and query of implicit semantics of term are gained, which lead to the PSP ontology a media between users and applications understanding the PSP domain knowledge. The technology condition of knowledge share and reuse in PSP domain is analyzed to promote the ontology's applications.At end, the paper brings forward a ontology-driven intelligent information retrieval prototype system to verify the influence of PSP ontology in information retrieval.The system provides three ways that are concept query, expanded semantic query and reduced semantic query. In fact, they are not only exact query based on the explicit and implicit relations between concepts of PSP ontology, but improve greatly the precision of recall as well. The system gets the goal of intelligent retrieval information, which traditional information can't. It is a good basis of further studying ontology reuse and share in applications.
Keywords/Search Tags:Ontology, Pumped Stored Power, OWL, Jena, Intelligent Information Retrieval
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