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On Educational Ideas Of Noddings

Posted on:2011-06-01Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y H WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360308470729Subject:Principles of Education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Professor Nel·Noddings brought up and established caring educational theory in last century. Her caring educational theory takes cultivating individual with caring ability as an end and puts forward some constructive opinions for educational reforms. She is of the opinion that teachers should cultivate individuals with caring ability, curriculums should be setted up around caring, education input of government should take care of disadvantaged minorities and moral model should follow education procedure. Her caring educational has some distinct characters.Noddings, influenced by feminist which is one of post-modern thought patterns, is non-conventional, but not total repudiatory. She bases her unique educational theory on the ways to negate traditions. Noddings revives maternal body experience by striding across patriarchy enlightenment and letting body into moral education. She also claims to unify caring with justice and afresh conventional equal theory and at last makes these education ideas become social disciplines.The article is divided into four parts. The first part is about body philosophy in normal education of Noddings, which states Noddings how to break through mind-body dualism in subjectivity philosophy which was setted up in modern times. The second part is on the union between justice and moral education. It analyzes the trend returning to justice-morality integration which Noddings holds. The third part expounds on the premise and purpose of Noddings'equality education ideas. The fourth part discusses public demanding of Noddings'education ideas.
Keywords/Search Tags:Educational ideas, Noddings, Caring education
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