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The Practice Of Teaching Design For Senior-three Chemistry Review Under New Curriculum

Posted on:2011-02-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L F ChenFull Text:PDF
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With the enactment of "Basic Education Curriculum Reform Program (Trial)", China began the reform of basic education curriculum in 2001. Basic education curriculum reform is mostly carried out in class, and the ultimate performers are teachers The core of implement is classroom teaching. Therefore, the further transformation of educational concept of teachers and teaching practices, and the improvement of the teachers'instructional design capabilities have a direct bearing on the further deepening and development of curriculum reform. Based on this background, the paper launched a new curriculum journal of the practice of teaching design for Senior-three Chemistry Teaching for Revision. The main contents are as follows:1 At the theoretical level, the author briefly addresses the instructional design concepts and theories, based on the summary of the general process of instructional design. In the paper cognitivism and constructivism on the teaching of the theory were reviewed, with a research guide of instructional design theory and cognitivism and constructivism theory of teaching theory.2 On a practical level, the author discusses the basic principles of teaching design of senior-three chemistry review under the new curriculum.After primary focusing on the three kinds of teaching strategies and implementation processes,the auther chooses three subjects in organic chemistry to design and analyze ,and does elmentary experiment research in 2010 Senior-three review.
Keywords/Search Tags:New curriculum, Senior-three Chemistry Teaching for Revision, Teaching design
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