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The Research Of Social Transition Divorce

Posted on:2011-06-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z LuanFull Text:PDF
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This paper is to examine the contents before and after the marriage of social transformation and cultural change on the concept of social transition of divorce. Social transition rate of divorce as social problems, this social transformation of society from the Western divorce rate and the similarity of related research listed in the perspective of sociological analysis of social transition because of divorce and divorce issues.Sociology of marriage during this period to carry out research in the following perspective: the impact of social stratification on marriage, social transition, urbanization and population shift to cities, urban and rural cultural and ideological level very close to the city divorce rate continues to rise the impact on rural areas is great; from an economic point of view of these years, the development of social intermediary organizations divorce; from the perspective of philosophy of law undermine the relationship between family ethics of divorce; from the perspective of a divorce education children's education. Social Transformation of marriage and conception, science and technology, the impact of post-modernism, makes divorce groups, becoming a huge social group. Third Plenary Session in 1978, opened the door to China, reform and opening up, foreign invigorating, but also invigorated opened China's ideas and concepts. Urbanization, population shift to cities, foreign ideas and cultures completely changed Chinese people. Research on divorce, Zeng Yi, Wu De qing study analyzed the level of divorce in China since the 80's and age distribution of the trend of change. Zeng Yi, China's divorce rate of regional distribution pattern: the lowest divorce rate in eastern and east coastal areas, the highest divorce rate in the Northeast and Northwest, while the divorce rate in central and southern regions of the middle. Northwest and northeast of the divorce rate and concepts in these areas and deep-rooted traditional culture and modern concept of serious marital conflict, low levels of economic development or social transformation of the existing economic structure: poor economic conditions in the Northwest region, although the concept of the social conservative but open and mobility concept for the liberation of people, a strong northeast planned economy, in recent years have begun to shift to a market economy, people's concept of marriage and social transformation of the pressure impact on family relationships. With urbanization, cities and even appeared in the "flash marriage" family. "Flash marriage" groups, mostly divorce and marital expectations are related, pre-marital high expectations of marriage tend to increase the sense of loss. Consideration and preparation for marriage is not comprehensive, the parties to the emotional attitude of irresponsible and arbitrary, the traditional gender division of housework and gender stereotypes in modern society and the advancement of women's rights, and so the problem affects the rate of divorce. At the same time period of social transition, the divorce rate in urban and rural areas are higher, but the specific reasons for divorce are different, the reasons for divorce in rural areas, mostly in the social transformation of the former have, in addition to migrant workers due to wage a result of two long-separated husband and wife phenomenon Divorce is the new factors, the impact of urbanization on rural areas and impact of rural people the concept of marriage has changed, is also an important new factor can not be ignored. This article also studies the social and cultural transformation of the marriage before the impact of divorce on society, traditional cultural values found in the childhood concept of marriage and single-mindedness divorce phenomenon of social constraints, social transition, the social and moral pressure of public opinion before from the community integration mechanism strong emphasis on collective ideology fundamentally based on marriage, called for more heavy duty and obligation, not value individual rights and personal development, so the phenomenon of ideological constraints of society divorce. Social Transformation and the modern concept of marriage under the influence of Western cultural society and the emergence of collaborative Trial Marriage marriages, there was a "Need" group, ideology, weakening the performance of desalination in the discipline and moral tolerance of public opinions .In the new situation, we should be balanced view and analyze these types of phenomena, through the sociological construct a theory of thinking to adapt to new social developments in moral and cultural concepts of marriage, marriage ideology play a positive role, emphasis on family responsibilities and obligations, and changes in youth through education irresponsible attitude towards marriage and living ideas, sound legal system into a rational society can control the level of the social context of divorce.Through this study conclude: the rising divorce rate, social transition key reason for this is the concept of marriage has changed.
Keywords/Search Tags:social transition, divorce, marriage group expectations of gender concepts flash
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