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From Private Blog To Public Event

Posted on:2010-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M ZhuFull Text:PDF
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During the 5.12 violent earthquake in Wenchuan, a middle school teacher named FanMeizhong threw down his students and ran away form the classroom. He made records on his blog about this experience, which initiated a succession of development and upgrade of matter .This event has caused a widespread discussion in public. This article will make research on the progress that how did FanMeizhong events transform into a public event. The teacher was named "Runner Fan". "Runner Fan Events" has played a special and significant role in the transitional contemporary China society. According to the analysis of the diffusion mechanism of this event, we can develop the formation mechanism of public events in contemporary China society and it can highlight the interactive relationships between the public and private domain in contemporary China society.This text thinks that there are must social operation mechanisms behind the "Runner Fan Events" which changed from a private blog into a public event. Several factors made the transformation of the events under the background of the transitional contemporary China society: first, the Traditional Teachers' moral culture makes people has a role expectation on Teachers' behaviors, but FanMeizhong's running behavior has subverted the traditional teacher image. This reason FanMeizhong was to blame and criticized is that the contrast between his teacher identity and his actual behaviors; secondly, considering the special situation of big earthquake, China has been unified allocating resources and establishing a powerful collective consciousness by controlling the media and building up fine examples and whereas "Runner Fan Events" has become the cacophony in the grand "musical movement". Finally, the network media has played a promoting role in the progress. Along with the development of internet, the blog formerly belong private field have entered into public domain unconsciously, which cause a great sensation and echo. This article attempts to study the social mechanism that the private blog behaviors exaggerated to the public events under the reforming society's background. And according to the analysis of the events transformation mechanism, we will try to further investigate the complex relationship between the public and private domain in the situation of social transformation in contemporary China society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Private diary, Public event, "Runner Fan" Events, Transformation mechanism
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