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The New High School Biology Curriculum In The Implementation Of The Difficulties And Countermeasures

Posted on:2009-06-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L J ZhangFull Text:PDF
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With the promulgation of "For the 21 st century action plan for the revitalization of education ","Basic Education Curriculum Reform (Trial)" and so on,our country has started the eighth time of new curriculum reform.This curriculum reform is all-round and thorough that includes course function,course structure,course content,study method, course evaluation and course administration.From the autumn of 2007 the Hunan province began to put some first-year high schools into the new curriculum,and it has been exactly one year since Hunan province put the new courses into practice.What are the results that the new high school biology curriculum reform carried out in Changde,Hunan? What difficulties have come across? To know the first-hand data,author has spent the whole last year investigating the reform situation of Changde City first middle school,Changde City seventh middle school,Ding Area first middle school,Ding Area sixth middle school.Using questionnaires and interviews with a combination of methods,I investigate these areas from teachers(including teacher's concepts,expertise and skills,research and training),the use of materials,the implementation of the teaching,the use of curriculum resources and the situation of student evaluations etc. Through the survey I found that high school biology curriculum in the implementation of the new difficulties focus on:1.Teachers need to improve the quality of teaching,2.teaching materials used in confusion, 3.Teaching specific operations have difficulties,4.How to deal with the college entrance examination was confused,5.Curriculum development and utilization of resources is not in place,6.Evaluation methods are unreasonable.After my analysis,the corresponding strategies and recommendations were as following:1.adopt new ideas,improve the quality of teachers.2.Grasp the curriculum standard,use teaching materials in a reasonable manner.3.Improve teaching efficiency and strengthen the capacity to explore.4.Balance the transition,face the college entrance examination calmly.5.Grasp the principles,develop school curriculum resources.6.Improve the evaluation mechanism and promote the performance evaluation.
Keywords/Search Tags:high school biology, curriculum reform difficulties, strategies
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