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Strategy Study For Classroom Effective Management Of Primary School

Posted on:2009-09-23Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X ChenFull Text:PDF
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The first class teaching system was unveiled by Johann Amos Comenius, an educator from Czech, in 17th century. Since then, the form of organization, whose unit base is classroom, has built up quickly. Classroom management goes with classroom teaching, and a better classroom management is one of the powerful factors which affect teaching and learning activities.I have been engaged in primary school education and teaching for a long time, thus familiar with current situation of primary school classroom management. Reviewing the exploration and researches on classroom management of academic circles at home and abroad from the perspectives of theory and practice, it can be found that traditional classroom management, which used to be characterized by obeying rules, has been transformed to harmonious classroom management on the needs of students and with the goal of students' development. It is the same case with primary classroom management.By applying and integrating systematically educational psychology, sociology of education, education management and education and teaching theory, this paper, with the guidance of "the Guidelines for Basic Education Curriculum Reform (Trial)", investigated the current situation of classroom management of some primary schools in Xiangzhou District of Zhuhai City, analyzed existing problems and reasons of traditional primary classroom management, and finally prescribed the strategy of efficient classroom management to maximize the efficiency of classroom management and promote students' all-round developmentPreface introducing briefly the background, main goals and values of this study and providing an overview of current researches on primary classroom management. It also discussed efficiency of primary classroom management.This article includes three chapters.Chapter I is analyzed results of the investigation on status quo of current traditional primary classroom management.Chapter II analyzed the reason of existing problems of current classroom management from four aspects.Chapter III, taking a example of classroom management, prescribesstrategies of efficient primary classroom management from four aspects: making and implementing the rules of the classroom, Strengthen classroom discipline and behavior management.
Keywords/Search Tags:primary school, effective classroom management, strategy
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