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Gerry Rose's ABCDE Model Of Deciphering: Positivistic Research Guided By Theory

Posted on:2008-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J Z MiaoFull Text:PDF
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Gerry Rose is one of the most famous sociologists who are accomplished in the methodology in England. Along with the great development of the social survey after 1960s, a lot of sociologists and methodologists were making a point of the methods of deciphering, and Gerry Rose was a best one, he learned a lot from the others, and next he developed a deciphering model which was named "ABCDE" and was used to evaluate social survey reports. This production strengthened the deciphering methods of social survey reports, and gave a great impulse to the standardization of the social survey. Heretofore there are few studies that are concerning about Rose's "ABCDE" deciphering model, so , spending a lot of time on a systematically studying of Rose's deciphering model will bring up great academic benefits for the methodological research in China. This thesis analyses Rose's deciphering model with three parts and bring about a systemic conception of the social survey conceived by Rose.First part was mainly to introduce the theory background and the basic viewpoint of the methodology, pointing out several important terms in the theory of Rose's deciphering model, such as the type of relation of theory and experience, theory test, theory conceive, the quality of the social survey.The second part introduced the basic content of Rose's deciphering model, and discussed the theory level and experience level of the frame, and also introduced the interior experience effectiveness and the interior theory effectiveness which are used to evaluate the social survey report.The third part began with the relationship between concepts and indicators, explaining how to contact theory and experience while embodying the conception, and also summed up some effectiveness indexes which were comed up about the relationship between concepts and indicators.The forth part discussed the two important segments of the sampling research from both the theory and experience levels. The relationship between general collectivity and survey collectivity was discussed in detail in the theory segment, at the same time, some basic standards about survey collectivity were also discussed in this part. In the experience segment, the thesis discussed some advises about survey collectivity.The fifth part summed up Rose's general strategies to decipher the quantitive study, and in the thesis I used this model to decipher a real survey report.The sixth part was conclusion and discussion. It mainly discussed the academic value of the methodology of Rose's deciphering model, and it illuminates us to make our social survey more scientific and standardization.
Keywords/Search Tags:Gerry Rose, ABCDE deciphering model, survey report, methodology
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