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The Comprehension And Reconstructing Of Modern School Management

Posted on:2007-10-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X L FangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167360185965182Subject:Educational Economy and Management
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
" School Management" is a way of running school based upon operating practice of various schools, absorbing successful foreign experience of running schools, borrowing the concept of enterprise management. Following the law of education itself, it explores how to elaborately plan and scheme so as to make effective use of educational resources, improve running efficiency, elevate education quality andrealize the maximal aim of education.The origin of school management in the West was influenced by a theorymovement named "Scientific Management". Ever since its beginning within "rational spirit" and "worship of efficiency", standard, normative and scientific operation has being one of its characteristics. Then movements of "effective school" and "school effectiveness and improvement" propel the research and practice of school management to another peak. After 1980s, a huge and grand school rebuilding movement is carried out in the world, which pursuit the constant improvement of school, reduces the cost, and meets the needs of customers with the means of "deregulation", "choice", and 'markets." Since then the school management gradually became independent and mature.School Management in our country is put forward to adapt to the reform of economic system. It is a new way of theoretical thinking based on the behavioral characteristics of running practice of schools undertaking reformation. On one hand, the exercisers take the initiative to create under the leadership of managing notion, try to broaden by market and employ the strategies of designing the image of school and managing brands to continuously strengthen the core competition of schools. On the other hand, as to the lag of theory research and lack of systematic and necessary instruction and criterion, the above practice is done with much blindness.Therefore, the research of school management is the comprehension and exploration of the running practice of modern schools, and also the reflection and development of tradition school management. "Servicing" and "Benefit" are its basic...
Keywords/Search Tags:School Management, Servicing, Benefit, Quality, Product
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