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Henan Mass Status And Development Of Tennis

Posted on:2012-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D X LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2167330332995692Subject:Physical Education and Training
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Since the "National Fitness Program" in China since the implementation of the residents to exercise the people recognize the importance of sport to the masses in China has been rapidly spread and development. Known as the "aristocratic" in tennis from the small number of people involved in the popularity of today. Henan Province is geographically central and northern China, is an agricultural and populous province. Economy in our province and the southern provinces and cities (Shanghai, Guangdong and Fujian) and the northern part of the provinces and cities (Beijing, Tianjin) compared to the slow pace of economic development, the strength is weak. Obviously, how can the consumer money, not to mention the money to buy basic necessities of life can not solve the physical exercise. Therefore, the people of our province is lagging behind the rate of sports development. Tennis in the masses of our province and penetration rate of more slowly, after a visit to survey found that some cities (Shangqiu, Pingdingshan, Hebi, etc.) 60% of the residents (adults and children 14 years old -18 years old) do not know tennis is What, did not recognize the value of the sport and appreciate the value of exercise. Therefore, the mass of Henan Province tennis study and analyze the current situation it is necessary also without further delay. But also for the people of Henan Province to promote the sport, popularizing, developing and improving an effective way to open up.In this paper, use of literature, through the Library of Henan University, China Journal Net, Wanfang Data, mass sports-related web site Tennis on the theory of mass research papers and books, to obtain relevant information and study . And management center in Henan Province tennis, tennis clubs and tennis associations of some leaders and managers interviewed. The main problem for this grant involved 350 questionnaires and collected 342 response rate of 97.7%. 50 coaches of which were returned 48, 48 valid questionnaires, 96% efficiency. 300 Tennis enthusiasts, recycling 294, 294 valid questionnaires, 98% efficiency. 294 were recovered by tennis fans, Tennis Coach of 48 valid questionnaires were conducted several statistical analysis, and found the process of Tennis in Henan Province, the problems, these problems through the use of logical analysis and propose solutions to problems corresponding measures.The paper is divided into three main sections:(1) Henan Province, to carry out the sport status of the masses: The results show that tennis fans in Henan Province, age, sex, education, occupation, income, and so there is a big difference. Understanding and knowledge of tennis tennis enthusiasts rather narrow way, most tennis enthusiasts and professional books through the video to improve individual technique, through other means to improve the ability of poor people skills. Mastery of professional knowledge of tennis is relatively scarce, very few tennis fans after a tennis training, relying on personal perception and their own continue to adhere to enhance technology.Increasing number of our province's tennis stadium on the site can not meet the needs of the population tennis, tennis and population growth is basically in inverse proportion to the increase of tennis venues. New venues relatively remote location, transportation is not convenient, therefore, time and traffic has become a tennis fan new problems. Furthermore, most are not open tennis stadium, facing the social charges, so this factor also contributed to the site can not play tennis enthusiasts reasons, can only sigh and observe only, resulting in the overall technological level of tennis is lagging behind.Questionnaire data by coaches shows, tennis coach professionals in our province, part-time there, wide variety of sources, in part, graduates of institutions of professional sports, a fraction of a professional team in the coach after retirement. Coach college degree 31.2%, 58.3% of the coaches undergraduate degree, 10.5% of the coaches graduate degree. One form of tennis coaching and income is the main reason for its occupation in the coaches. Implementation of industry-standard tennis coach is bad, uneven level of coaching.(2) impede the development of Henan Mass factors tennisAs people age, not growth, the residents gradually to the masses of the concept of health first, but most tennis tennis fans can not exercise the most important factor is the economic factor. The number of venues is limited and not open to the secondary factors of tennis enthusiasts. Tennis enthusiasts to participate in tennis is also affected by time and traffic impactTennis coach, can also influence the level of technology to carry out mass tennis, highly skilled people will be able to get recognition, influence in the community will be higher, if the general level of technology, there will not please most of the ball Coaching , That their teaching practice and no different to others, so the coach can drive the level of the masses directly play a key factor of Tennis.(3) Henan Mass Development Strategy Tennis Through the conduct of Henan Mass tennis Survey and Analysis, the following measures: government-led, driving the development of tennis. Enhance the use of tennis courts and construction management. Often the size of tennis events held in various forms in order to match development to enhance the development plan. Strengthen all forms of media propaganda, the masses of the residents have a tennis a better understanding. To promote the construction of the tennis club and tennis associations standardized management. Improve the basic quality of tennis coaches and tennis professional and technical level, through regular training or obtained qualifications through learning in order to complete the hardware. Promote the exchange of each city's tennis tournament of the friendship.
Keywords/Search Tags:Henan Province, Tennis masses, Status, Development Strategies
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