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Research On The Cultural Quality Of Population In Jilin Province

Posted on:2012-02-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Y ZhangFull Text:PDF
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The quality of the population typically contains physical health, education, ideological and moral quality three aspects. The core of which is the cultural quality of the population.Nowadays, the cultural quality's level is already became a important indicator to measure the level of development in a country or region. Improve the cultural quality's level of the population has became a important way to improve the socio-economic development level in a country or region. The development of human history has proved that science and technology are primary productive forces. Scientific and technological progress is a key factor in social and economic development.A Important method of scientific and technological progress is to improve the cultural quality'level of the population.And improving the cultural quality's level of the population based on people's education.It is conducive to social progress and economic development that to Improve the cultural quality's level of the population. Therefore, it has great significances that to assess the cultural quality's level of the population and propose to increase the cultural quality's level of suggestions.This thesis is Based on the comprehensive reference and existing research results,proceed from the basic connotation of cultural quality of the population.Meawhile, constructed the evaluation model for cultural quality of the population. And based on 1990 and 2000 population census data in Jilin Province,2005 national 1% population sample survey data,2006 China Urban Statistical Yearbook,2009 Jilin province Statistical yeahbook and other relevant data. Analyzed and assessed the cultural quality's level of the population in Jilin Province by sorting and conculating. At the same time, Analyzed the impacts of cultural qualities of population on social and economic development of Jilin Province through the relevant data and reality analysis.And then proposed the suggestions to increase the cultural quality'level of Population in Jilin province.This thesis contains the five parts:The first part is the basis of the reasearch.contains definition of key concepts, research review, research purpose and significance.Detailed overview of the quality of the population, the physical health of the population, the cultural qualities of population,ideological and moral qualities of population, the illiteracy rate, the population average years of education,ect. Reviewed the research results related to domestic and foreign scholars. At the same time, explained the purpose and significance of this thesis and make a detailed introduction on research methods.The second part is the construction of integrated assessment models of the cultural quality of population. By the method outlined, index selection and model building of three parts. This part first introduced the methods of current academic circles assessing the cultural quality's level of population. By drawing on relevant methods,selecting the assessing indicators and constructing the integrated assessment models of the cultural quality of population.The third part is the assessment of the cultural quality's level of population in Jilin province.Contains the overall cultural quality's level of population,the cultural quality's level of population in different regions, the cultural quality's level of population in urban and rural, the cultural quality's level of male and female population, the characteristics and problems of cultural quality's level of population in Jilin province. By assessing the overall cultural quality's level of population, then the different regions, urban and rural, male and female, summing up the characteristics and problems of cultural quality's level of population in Jilin province.In the fourth part, I analyzed the impacts of cultural qualities of population on social and economic development of Jilin Province.By four parts that the impact on industrial structure's adjustment and upgrade, the impact on the development of population's urbanization, the impact on the fertility level of the population, the impact on the people's living level. Through the relevant data and reality situation, analysis the impacts of cultural quality's level of population on social and economic development of Jilin Province.The fifth part is the suggestions on improving the cultural quality's level of population in Jilin province. Focused on five aspects that increasing investment in education, improve the cultural quality's level of the overall level of population, to develop the basic education of all areas, actively promote the development of education in rural areas,to develop the vocational and technical education, and continuously improve the educational level of the female population.Through five parts with the describes and assessment, analyzed the level,characteristics and problems of cultural quality of population in Jilin province. Broadened some extents of the research on the Cultural Quality of Population in Jilin Province.And also for provided some recommendations to improving the cultural quality's level of population in Jilin province.
Keywords/Search Tags:cultural quality, comprehensive assessment, suggestions, Jilin province
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