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Research On Female Crime

Posted on:2011-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:K YinFull Text:PDF
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Since the last century,China has experienced a dramatic increase in female crime.In the introduction,the author has used statistics discussing urgency of this matter.But in China,it is not very comprehensive on studying the problem of women crime, and there are errors awareness of the problem of female crime,The author in this paper in-depth analyse the causes of female crime,and correct misconceptions of the causes of female crime.and comparise relating to legal system of female crime on the ancient and modern legal system.Therefore, in the basis of conviction, and sentencing plot, and the judicial status of execution of punishment, and improvement relating to women's crime,the author proposes some viwes which exist in famale crime in china.It is the the viwes of author that we should stand the principles of crime for conviction and sentencing,and consider the causes and characteristics of female crime against enlarg crimal,and give a lower punishment for extenuating woman.Tt total is divided into five parts:Part one:the author elaborates the significance of studying the problem.When we research the issue, it have an important role and significance for protecting human rights for women and crime justice, and raising the level and quality of the judiciary, and preventing and reduce the cost of crime.Part two:the author defines the concept of crime and characteristics of female crime.Based on this,we can study the characteristics of female crime, and further can study the causes of female crime.Part three:the author analyse the causes of female crime.In this section, the author corrected some viwe against women. It is not the large subjective malignant for woman,but its social cause.base on this,we encourages a lower punishment-oriented for famale offenders.Part four:the comparative study on female crime. In this section, the author learn from experience from history and foreign about famale crime.Part five:constructing prevention and control system of female crime from the point of criminal law.Author put forward viwes about this issue, and encourages buliding a perfect crimal system to control female crim...
Keywords/Search Tags:female crime, the meaning, the causes, comparision, prevention system
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