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A Study On The Particularity Of Contemporary Female Official Crimes

Posted on:2020-01-13Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y X ChenFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With the deepening of social transformation and transformation in China,the problem of female duty crimes has become increasingly prominent,which not only seriously damages the interests of the party and the national collective,but also causes serious harm to families,relatives and themselves.Therefore,it is not only an important task in the academic field,but also an important target in the judicial practice field to conduct a deeper investigation and Research on female job-related crimes and prevent and combat female job-related crimes.Female duty crime is a type of duty crime.It shares common characteristics and causes with general duty crime.However,due to the differences of gender characteristics and the influence of various social factors,female duty crime has its own particularities in the subject of crime,form of crime,criminal psychology and so on.This paper argues that it is necessary to focus on the particularity of female duty crimes in order to formulate and implement more comprehensive and targeted prevention and control countermeasures for female duty crimes.Based on the above considerations,this paper takes "the particularity of female duty crime" as the main axis,and sets up four chapters to discuss.Based on the above considerations,this paper takes "the particularity of female duty crime" as the main axis,and sets up four chapters to discuss.The first chapter elaborates the definition of female duty crime.According to the relevant provisions of the new criminal law,the subject of female duty crime should be included not only in the female state officials who are engaged in public service in state organs,but also in the female non-state workers who are engaged in public service in other units,which lays a foundation for the later discussion of female duty crime and its particularity.The second chapter analyses the characteristics of female duty crime.The main body of crime is relatively centralized,the types of charges are relatively centralized,the age of offenders is relatively centralized,and the means of committing crimes are relatively centralized.The third chapter focuses on the analysis of the causes of female duty crimes,mainly including social,economic,political and personal factors.The four chapter puts forward special preventive and Control Countermeasures under the background of the new era based on the above analysis.
Keywords/Search Tags:female duty crime, particularity, mode of crime, cause analysis, prevention and control countermeasures
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