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China's Penal System Juvenile Delinquency Research

Posted on:2009-10-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F ZhouFull Text:PDF
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
From our country in the late 1970s onwards, juvenile linquency has been growing in the state. According to the Supreme eople's Court statistics: in 2001 the National Court sentenced 49,883 criminals were minor, accounting for the full year of the total number of criminal offenders 6.68%; and in 2007 the National Court sentenced 91,498 criminals were minor, accounting for all criminal offenders was 10.24 percent of the total, This data can not but arouse our serious thought and more attention. This article attempts to criminal penalties for minors in the history of the development, and existing countries in the world of juvenile delinquency practice, as well as analysis of the special nature of juvenile crime, juvenile delinquency in order to establish the value of the penalty, That is, emphasis on the protection of a minor crime and education, rather than retribution and punishment. And once a minor penalty for the crime on the basis of values, summed up China's current system of penalties for minor crimes of the status quo, to think, and from the model legislation, the types of penalties set the penalty at the discretion of the three minors in China Crimes of the penal system to make some suggestions to improve, China's minors to improve the penal system, to reflect on the Protection of Minors and education.
Keywords/Search Tags:Juvenile, Crime, Penalties
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