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The Perfection Of Biodiversity Protection Law System

Posted on:2005-12-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Z Y SunFull Text:PDF
GTID:2156360125453482Subject:Environment and Resources Protection Law
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
With people's common concern to environment problem, biodiversity diminishment problem also cause people's strong care. The thesis analyzes deeply the defects in our biodiversity protection on the basis of overall knowledge about the value of biodiversity and the situation of being destroyed , and further advances the concrete suggestion on how to perfect our biodiversity protection law system. In constitution levels: first,the thesis advances that the government should pay more attention to the resource protection and enhance the citizen's ideology of resource protection;second,puts forward that the constitution should prescribe that the environment and resource protection is the citizen's fundamental obligation;third,the government should put the continuous development into the constitution,and determine its constitution status;fourth,add the respect for the living rights of other species to the constitution.In law levels:first of all.the thesis discusses The Environment Protection Law.suggests that the government should change the name of The Environment Protection Law into The Environment And Resource Protection Law And had better take The Environment Protection Law as a basic law on environment protection.and establish a compact biodiversity protection law system.The legislature should add the biodiversity protection into The Environment Protection Law.The second is about the perfection of Criminal Law.The thesis suggests that the government should strengthen the protection of the microbe and the species which is not very precious and is not in imminent danger.The third is on drafting The Biodiversity Protection Law.And points out the necessity of drafting a comprehensive and practicable biodiversity protection law.And puts forward that The Biodiversity Protection Law should include the twelve essential principles and systems.In regulations and rules levels:first,the thesis emphasizes the harmony and continuing among law, regulations and rules;second,emphasizes that the legislature should magnify the protection object;third,in protection measures.the government should draw the market mechanism into the protection regulations and rules,and muster the market body's zeal.
Keywords/Search Tags:biodiversity, law system, biodiversity protection law
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