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Poetry Of Xiao Yan

Posted on:2011-03-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:P LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360332955786Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Northern Dynasties is an important period in the development of Chinese Poetry, at this stage, "Sun Style" and "palace" has the rise of two poems formed the climax of the development. Xiao Yan Qi and Liang across the two periods, in the climax of the two poems play an important role. This case study intended to approach the content of Xiao Yan poetry and art features, and its contribution to and influence on poetry. Through analysis of his poetry, Glimpse Qi and Evolution of poetry.This paper is divided into three parts. The first part, the ideological content of Xiao Yan poetry. Ideological content of his poetry can be divided by love poems, discipline poetry, chanting poetry, poetry, and above pregnant Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism reflects the poetry, and several other part, the authors categorized according to the sub-method analysis of the ideological content of his poetry; The second part analyzes the artistic characteristics of his poetry. Mainly from its poetry and elegant style of Elegant, flexible use of allusions and harmonious beauty of rhyme, antithesis methods of exploration, refining and vivid portrayal of the perspective of several characters; the third part, the main effect of Xiao Yan poetry contributions. First of all, the poetry of Xiao Yan Song Seven of the West's push, and then analyzes the poetry of the later yan Poetic Rhythm of the promotion, the last of his poems on the descendants of the word, Chanting inspiration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Xiao Yan, Poem, Arts Features, Contribution
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