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The Narrative Art In Peng Xue-jun's Juvenile Novel

Posted on:2011-12-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L HuangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360308470527Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Xiangxi is an old and mysterious place, which has beautiful scenery and unique landscape. It has ushered in a lot of hunaneses who have great reputations in the literary and art circles,such as Shen Cong-wen, Huang Yongyu, Song Zuying and so on.We can make a knowledge of Xiangxi through Shen Cong-wen's book, Huang Yongyu's paintings, as well as Song Zuying songs. We can also feel that Peng Xuejun's juvenile novels are filled with the flavour of Xiangxi culture. On the base of "memory of the origin", she makes a narrative of "different kind of land, different kind of childhood, as well as different kind of story." Taking her juvenile novels as the rearch object, and using the narrative point of view and the text perusal of method, this paper try to describe her way of telling stories.The preamble notes the "narrative" concept used in this paper, makes a brief introduction of Peng Xuejun's creation and experience, makes a summary of rearches on Peng Xuejun, and leads to the topic for further discussion. The first part aims to explore the narrative approach in her novels, including a unique children's narrative perspective, omniscient narrative style, easeful emotional narration and interspersed type of local narration.The second part discusses the internal narrative logic in Peng Xuejun's juvenile novles. I think that the internal narrative logic has structural and emotinal factors. She takes memories of her childhood in Xiangxi as an internal driving force, consides the depressed mood as the main line,regards the masculine images of girls as the narrative center,and infiltrates the idea of returning natural lives. The tight internal narrative logic shows the art of cultural tension.The third part analyzes some of surreptitious narrative tactics of juvenile novels which contains the mysterious atmosphere of construction, the secretive death of narrative, strange folk beliefs and secretive symbols.They not only embody the children's intrinsic native content,but also make Peng Xuejun achieve the surreptitious and aesthetic narrative. This subtle type of narrative strategy not only conceals the energy of children in the original information and fit to children's wild ideas, but also "calls, affirms and strengthens the sense of a mysterious world of children's images."This paper argues that Peng Xue-jun's juvenile novels are rooted in a unique image of the South. The mapping determines the pattern and aesthetic form of her narration. Peng Xue-jun always stays with a keen observation of life bit by bit.Thus, her novels are always full of wisdom which makes everyday trivial things achieve miraculous transformation, and makes the culture of emotion and atmosphere rustic quietly into each readers' hearts.And it also forces everyone to gasp in admiration for her "storytelling" technique. Moreover, the narrative art in Peng Xue-jun's juvenile novel tends to come out of far-reaching significance. For the reader,it offers a new way of cultural acceptance. To the entire children's literature, importing strong geographical and cultural factors into children's literature is undoubtedly a bold attempt and exploration.
Keywords/Search Tags:Peng Xue-jun's Juvenile Novel, Narrative Pattern, Internal Narrative Logic, Surreptitious Narrative Tactics
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