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On Xun LU's Thoughts On Culture Introduction

Posted on:2011-06-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305995666Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
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The setting of the "May 4th" Movement is at a turning point where paths of old and new times, Chinese and Western thoughts crossed. How to view traditional and foreign cultures was an inevitable question that every pioneer at this turning point had to face. Introducing foreign cultures to China or inheriting Chinese traditions, all pioneer scholars actually bore the same role-an "introducer". How, what, and from what perspectives introducers introduced had a significant impact on Others' understanding and the future of the new literature and the new culture. Xun LU's thoughts and questions on introducers are embodied in the word-"circle". He claims that there exists various "circles" in academia, and false introduction prevents the public from knowing the "truth" and make "it impossible at all to know the past and the present, and other countries and our own" (Volume 13, p68). Lu values the role culture introducers play in introducing and inheriting knowledge and calls them to break these "circles" by employing a true and sincere way of introduction and revert the truth for successors who will be able to find a standing point and effective ways to develop the culture in the future. That is "To seek changes with the power of truth". This is what this thesis probes on Lu's thoughts on culture introduction.Armed with the thoughts of true introduction, Lu was involved in many debates in literati. His criticism on Shiqiu LIANG, Yutang LIN, Lingfeng Ye, and those early pioneers of the Revolutionary Literature is actually a criticism on their false and insincere ways of introduction. Lu often used in his critiques is "signboard". In his view, various introductions made by some people popular in the academia were actually for their personal interest under the disguise of introducing certain "noun", concept, or some historical or real person. Their identity as an introducer, as a result, was no more than a "signboard". Lu "seeks changes with the power of truth" by rebuking "the demerits of signboard" and "exposing the false". He argues that introducers should introduce local and foreign knowledge in a true and sincere way. Lu practiced his thoughts in the fields of translation and woodblock printing, which revealed some effective ways of seeking changes with the power of truth in culture inheritance. He practiced and enthusiastically promoted professions such as translation and woodblock printing. Translation is a concrete, realistic way of introduction. "Reading more foreign books" and even translating them can help to break those already established "circles" in the academia and practice "seeking changes with the power of truth". China needed profound reforms, but it was not an easy to find a direction. Starting from scratch, this process required hard work and an attitude of looking for true knowledge. Therefore, Lu is a diligent translator throughout his life. Another example of Lu's practice of his thoughts is his promotion of the art of woodblock printing. He found the vitality of this art in the fact that the "new" and the "old" woodblock prints would not be the same. He spared no pains in advocating this art. As for its future development, Lu expects that it could maintain its essence and shake off potential shackles, and value down-to-earth features, and seek the features that could meet the demands of the modern society. Lu saved this art from extinction and contributed to its rebirth in China.Lu was confident in what he was doing. "A bright future will prove that we are not only the preserver of cultural heritages, but also pioneers and builders."——Lu concerns how to properly introduce and preserve cultural heritages, how to properly introduce foreign cultures, what roles intellectuals play and their attitudes, and what method they employ. He expects to provide fresh and healthy nutrition to our culture and we can both preserve the essence of the tradition and make new contribute to its development. The core of Lu's culture introduction thoughts, his promotion of a true and sincere way of introduction, and his practice of seeking changes with the power of truth all prove that he is not only a "preserver" of cultural heritages but also a "pioneer" and "builder". He made a real contribution to the development of the new literature.
Keywords/Search Tags:Introducer, To expose the false and retain the true, True and sincere, Seeking changes with the power of truth
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