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The Study Of The Structure Of "Ai V Bu V"

Posted on:2011-03-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305963245Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper firstly studies and analyzes the components, semantic and syntactic functions of the structure of "ai V bu V"; then, in the view of Construction Grammar, it explains the syntactic features, the character of the meaning, the restriction made by the structure to its components and the formation mode of the structure. On the basis of former studies, this paper puts forward some advice for teaching Chinese as a foreign language. We attempt to analyze the structure of "ai V bu V" through the combination of structural analysis and construction analysis. Specific contents as following:The introduction generalizes the former researches on the structure of "ai V bu V", puts forward the problems the paper needs to solve, and illustrates the theoretical value, research material as well as study methods.Chapter one analyzes the formation of the structure of "ai V bu V", and focuses on the characters of the verbs which can be applied in the structure.Chapter two illustrates various grammar functions of the structure of "ai V bu V" in sentences, generalizes "ai V bu V" functions as predicate, adverbial, attributive, or even whole sentences.Chapter three generalizes the meaning of the structure of "ai V bu V", analyzes the two different meanings of the structure, which includes "whatever you do" and "unwilling to do", both of them imply the emotion of discontent.Chapter four studies and discusses the structure of "ai V bu V" in view of Construction Grammar. This chapter introduces the Construction Grammar theory, analyzes the constructive characters and discusses the restriction to the verbs made by the structure. In this chapter, we also compare the structure of "ai V bu V" with relative structures.Chapter five analyzes the formation mode of the structure of "ai V bu V". It is formed by the sentence "do if you would like to do, don't do if you wouldn't like" through ellipsis and contraction.Chapter six studies "ai V bu V" structure in foreign language teaching, pointing out several aspects we need pay attention to in the teaching process of the structure.This paper thinks that the structure of "ai V bu V" is a construction in Chinese. The polysemy of the structure is made by semantic shifting because of the structure appearing in the special language environment; through the combination of the construction analysis and the structure analysis, the thesis focuses on the study of the construction and the analysis of the components of the structure, discusses the restriction to the components especially to the verbs made by the construction, and finally puts forwards some contributive suggestions in teaching Chinese as a foreign language.
Keywords/Search Tags:the structure of "ai V bu V", construction, construction meaning, interaction
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