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The Formation Of The Massive System Of Amercan Higher Education Form 1945 To The Early 1970s

Posted on:2011-05-30Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X F LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360305477034Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
U.S. input a great deal of resources into the development of higher education from 1945 to the early 1970s, the period which American called is the golden age of the development of higher education, thus U.S. is the world's first country which realized the massive system of higher education. This paper seeks to probe the formation and characteristics of the massive system of Amercan higher education, the related conditioning factors and the impact of such developments are aslo diccussed, hoping to reveals some issues which the massive system of higher education arise and trying to demonstrate the formation of the massive system of U.S. higher education comprehensive and objectively.This paper is structured as follows:Part I: the formation and characteristics of such system. This part desccrbes mainly the formation process and concrete expression of such system, and demonstrate comprehensive its development path of such. Meantime, on this basis, this article shows five features of such system, namely, practicality, autonomy, competive and openness, untity and diversity of higher education. Some of these characteristics already existed, but some are prominent after World War II.Part II: the conditioning factors that led to the formation of massive system of American higher education. This part investigates and analysises the factors of such system that include the development of U.S. socio-economy, cultural traditon, social movement and government actively intervention. This artile illustrate that the formation of such system has its inevitability.Part III: the impact and problems of the massive system of higher education. the rapid development of graduate eduction meet the demand for the rapid development of American socie-economic. technology; meantime, such system also increased the overall labor quality. But, some problems that occurred during the process of such system, reflect obviously the decline of educational quality, insufficient funding sources and tenure system defects, and so on .
Keywords/Search Tags:Higher Education, The Massive, History, Characteristic, Impact
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