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Asthetische Idee Under The Folk Theme

Posted on:2011-02-26Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J F YanFull Text:PDF
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If we are asked what's special on Haizi? It is his innovation on what were seen and said by him, but not by others, that brings him into the history of Chinese poetry forever. What he had seen and said? This puzzled many people who love poetry heartily and also triggered the curiousness of numerous scholars and many laymen. Haizi passed away for more than twenty years and many works have been done on the study of his poetries, on which lots of comments including high-praises or criticisms have been proposed. It is free for the later to give out comments on his achievements and faults for the person (Haizi) who has died. But as one of the researchers on the poetry of Haizi, it is necessary for me to have a heat of tranquil and an attitude of objective to distinguish the substantial value of the poetry.As the changes of poetry originate from times changes, Haizi, as a poem of times, his poetry is also coming from the sunshine of it. Haizi is a poet coming from the folk, since it is not only he was born and grew up in the poor countryside, but also his poetry shows the epitome of the agricultural culture in thousands years of China. He established the cultured and restrained of aesthetics of poetry on the efforting-excavation of trivial and vitality of life and built the close relationship between daily routine and aesthetics of poetry. Tracing back to the last, we can find that, as a poet growing up in the late of 70's and the beginning of 80's, the heroism and the feeling of courage in the intellectuals in his poetry have the internal correlation with aesthetic nature of misty poetry.But these are not the complete core of his poetic ideal. It is ultimate concern for mankind that is the core of his poetic and criterion of aesthetics. He likes a knight who wants to take the grail, practices the ideal of redemption like Christendom, opens up the true road of poetry with poeticity for the poetics of current Chinese.The paper starts to elaborate with dimensions of aesthetic according to the content and form of the poetry of Haizi. discusses the try to reform the asthetische idee of Chiese poetry from the great background in his transition stage of 80's, ends with the last becoming of the forgiving Sun. During the research, I found the images of poetry are all taken from the subject of folk, from which a series of images of prototype are selected, such as "corn field" related to the existence subject, "water" to love and reproduction, "distant" to dark night and "the sun" for which he becoming at last. Under the lights of these aesthetics'candles, he finishes the spirit redemption for mankind, paying the price of his life ultimate.
Keywords/Search Tags:Haizi, Folk Theme, Asthetische Idee, Aesthetical Dimension
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