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Exploration Of The Relationship Between Poems And Pictures For Children In Visual Times

Posted on:2011-04-16Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M M CaiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360302997821Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This essay aims to study the relation between poems and pictures for children in details in this visual times. In exploration of helping children gain a sense of poetic beauty, children's poetic home is preserved. In addition, it analyses the approaches to poetry transmission by means of starting with the combination and interference between poems and pictures, which will help children know poems and pictures theoretically and provide them with practical guidance.Chapter One discusses the relation between poems and pictures as well as the particularity of the transmission for children's poems. As far as this relation is concerned, they belong to different art categories. Therefore, there is combination as well as interference between poems and pictures. In the visual times, the combination of poetry, pictures and videos will highlight their complex relations. Due to the particularity of the spreading of children's poems, it begins with the analyses of the psychological development on the part of children and the necessity of obtaining poetic sense. As a result, the chapter discusses the particularity for transmitting children's poems on the basis of the particularity from literature style, children's tendency of being affected and the gaining of a sense of poetry.Chapter Two focuses on the combination between poetry and pictures. It will be an important phenomenon to transmit children's poems by making them experience the beauty of poetry in pictures and listen to poems in videos. This chapter analyses the multiform of spreading children's poems in visual times in form of painting, calligraphy, internet, photography, teaching with the help of art, poems in VCD, DVD,TV, network flash songs, recitation, dancing, opera, all related with poems. All these forms show that the combination of poems and pictures become an important way of appreciating the beauty of children's poems.Chapter Three discusses the problems in transmitting children poems. Due to the development of the technology, a variety of entertainment has attracted children's eyes, resulting in the compression of poetic sense, and causing a loss of poetic experience. The essay also analyses the interference in the combination of poems and pictures. On the part of poem creation, it lies in the diaphragm of poetic grasp, the lack of knowledge of poems and pictures, the delay of poetry transmission whole on the part of the disseminators, the constraints of economy, the rapid increase in video price and the pursuit of education. Moreover, as far as poems are concerned, it lies in the natural difference between poems and pictures, the conflict in the beauty between poems and pictures, the influence of pictures on thinking, the replacement of reading with pictures and the sheltering of soul with pictures, etc. This interference has prevented children from spreading poems, thus causing a loss of poetic sense.Through the study of the relation between children's poems and pictures, the essay solves the problem of how to enable children to gain poetic sense from poetry study, psychology and sociology. In transmitting children's poems, we should try to sustain the poetic sense in the combination of poems and pictures, while trying to avoid its interference. Only in this way can we enable children to experience beauty in sense, rhythms, and context.
Keywords/Search Tags:Children's poems, visual times, the relationship between poems and pictures
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