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The Struggle Between In The City And Outside The City

Posted on:2011-08-14Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X LuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360302992427Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Feminism, which first appeared in France, is a kind of social theory and political movement that comes from women's experience. It means women's revolution. Later, this word spread to UK and USA, gradually, it came into fashion. During the May 4th Movement, this word was propagated to China and was defined as Feminism. The basic aim of Feminism is that men and women are on equal terms. Meanwhile, women must attach importance to embodying self-worth, showing women's unique charm and giving full play to women's social strength when they struggle to get the equal status.This paper proceeds from two women's images, Nora in Ibsen's A Doll House and Bai Liusu in Zhang Ailing's Qing Cheng Zhi Lian(Love of the Overturning City), analyses how women in the east and in the west become an appendage to marriage The time that Ibsen's Nora and Zhang Ailing's BaiLiusu were set in wasn't very far. They each stand for the cognition to marriage of women in the east and in the west. Nora's leaving her family was considered as the revolt to the society that is controlled by men and the definition to women's self-worth. But it still need us to think it over if Nora's leaving is really for the sake of realizing her self-worth and where she can go after her leaving. The time when Bai Liusu lived just was the period when Chinses women were influenced by the foreign thoughts and had the dim consciousness to self-worth. Bai Liusu was the daughter of an aristocracy family. Her marriage was a kind of arranged marriage. When she met with domestic violence, she was so brave that she obtained a divorce by using the law to protect herself. But after the divorce, she didn't find a job to make a living, on the contrary, she did everything possible to marry Fan liuyuan who was a rich man from South ocean, because she hoped that he could bring a rich and stable life to her. Although Nora left her family bravely and Bai Liusu extricated herself from the violence marriage, they still couldn't break away from the idea that women are just the appendage to marriage and they couldn't absolutely separate themselves from the Ideology of the patriarchal society.Through the study to women's appendage relationship in the marriage, we can go a step further to know the women's status in the patriarchal society, Pay close attention to the important problems in the women's existence such as women's being fettered, which lifestyle they should choose, how they should choose, women's self-development and women's status in family and society.
Keywords/Search Tags:Nana, Liusu Bai, Feminism, appendage to marriage
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