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Research On Liu Shu's

Posted on:2010-11-21Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L Y LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360278462265Subject:Ancient literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In late Ming and early Qing Dynasty, due to the minority aggression and the peasantry insurgence, the country was getting into confusion. People with lofty ideal resisted to pledge their lives, including a passel of prominent women. They had intense patriotism and dedicated themselves to the service of their motherland. They resisted enemy and threw themselves into the battlefield, such as Qin Liangyu, Shen Yunying, Bi Zhu, Liu Shu. The latter were especially famous for their ability of civil and military. Their articles were great and they were patriotic. Mr Yan Dichang classified them as outstanding poets. Liu Shu(1620—1658?), which came from the scholarly family had good education when she was in childhood. She knew well with art of war and fencing besides literature. She was acting army when the Qing troop invaded. So her excellence was not only in literature but also in patriotism. Liu Shu's deeds were well known, but the study on her poetry anthology was rare. The article through showed this talented woman's various literature achievement.Liu Shu's poetry anthology comprises 879 poems, 77 Ci, 16 prose. The content and the style present great literature value, which worth studying in-depth. Because her deeds are lack of official record, her birth year, the name, and the byname are inaccurate, so chapter one emphasizes on textual research. Chapter two and chapter three emphasize on Liu Shu's poem content and style, besides the poetic opinion and the causation of style. The style of was clear-cut. The phases and the types of literature are all worth studying. Besides, the causation of style has to do with social atmosphere, district setting, family atmosphere and experiences. So it makes much more argumentation about extrinsic factors to prove the mind in Liu Shu's creative work. Chapter four is mostly about her poetics origin. Besides the poem's achievement, her Ci and prose also has obvious characters, so chapter five chiefly depicts her Ci and prose's achievement. Chapter six depicts dimensionally and multi-hierarchically heroic posture and vigorous style through comparing Liu Shu with contemporary and historical female poets, which exhibits her status in female literature history.
Keywords/Search Tags:Liu Shu, Liu Shuying, < Ge Shan Volume>
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