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Seeking The Origins And Relationship Of The University And City

Posted on:2010-06-06Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y J CaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275993374Subject:History of education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Medieval Europe which is dominated by Christianity was regarded as the autocratic and uncivilized 'dark ages'. But just in the dark ages, not only happened the far-reaching city revolution, but also gestated one of the most brilliant flowers in human history—Medieval Universities. The university and city are both the products of the Middle Ages, which have the common origins of the Middle Ages. Since the date of birth, the university has forged an indissoluble bond with the city. It can be said that the city is the social existence foundation of the university. It is the city that gives birth to European medieval universities. However, in the beginning the relationship is not harmonious between the university and citizens. The conflicts are continual between 'Town and Gown'. But in the process of long-term struggle and contact, the university and city begin to reach a compromise because of their closer economic links and increasingly consistent common benefits. The conflicts between them are alleviated gradually, and both sides gradually form a pattern of symbiotic co-existence.The conflicts between the university and city have been throughout the history of the Middle Ages, and extend to the present. However, the existence of conflict is not anomalous, but exactly shows that both sides are closely linked together. The conflict does not mean the antagonism of both sides, but may achieve an integration of the interests through the conflicts and win their best interests. The university and city precisely maintain a dynamic balance between the conflict and cooperation, and finally achieve the interactive development of both sides.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medieval universities, Autonomous city, Origins and relationship
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