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France Realistic Pictorial Screen Structure Research In 19

Posted on:2010-04-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:F L HanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275962407Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As an art movement in history, Realism originated in France in 19th century. The campaign has three representative, they are separately Miller, Courbet and Daumier. Their supporter, also the famous writer, and the inaugurator of folk art study, Champfleury, considered 1848 as the beginning of realism. It was in this year that the French Revolution broke out and Champfleury met Courbet. Realism which is between Romanticism and Symbolism is the mainstream from the 1840s to 1880s. Its influence spread from France to the European countries and Asia, and has continued to this day.Article the first chapter forms the main structure of the screen reading and the French 19th century painting realism analysis of the composition of forms, from colorful chapter to analyze the structure of the 19th century French painting of the characteristics of realism and laws; Chapter III of our country are combined with oil painting development of French from the side of realism painting on the far-reaching impact.The aim of Realism art movement is to depict and reproduct the real world objectively, truly and unbiased on the basis of the careful observation on contemporary life. It emphasizes the link between empirical reality and the history, which is the typical view of realism. Historical pictures Should not draw the ancient and classical themes to promote the timeless values and ideals, but focus on the real life of ordinary people, as the advocates of the new view of history Dana said, "to abandon the system and its mechanism theory, to abandon religion and its theoretical system, try to observe the people in factories, in the office and on farm, as well as their sky, fields, housing, clothing, farming and food, just as we will pay immediate attention to people's faces and postures, roads and boarding houses, walk the streets of the public, non-drinker when we arrive in the United Kingdom or Italy. "This new historical concepts greatly expanded the theme of the artist's expression. However, their intentional or unintentional attempt and effort on the frame structure is very worthwhile for us to explore and inheritance. Such as Miller, his arrangement of all the things in the painting "Bell in dust"makes the structure impeccable. Some others attempted to move the wheelbarrow, small baskets, or hoes from the figures slightly or exchange their location, but failed to reach such a perfect effect. This shows that how artfully Miller used the laws of "diverse unity". Courbet's "Ornans'funeral" broke the previous rules on structure. He retained the "grand style" to convey the momentum and avoided falling into its stubborn principles. He did not draw a heroic posture and there is no center in the picture, but each of the characters has their own sight, and loses in their thoughts. As if the whole work's structure has not been deliberated, but still seems to be careful and precise. The gap between characters performs a slow dirge-like rhythm in the sash-like layout.Realism has two implications. One is the creative methods; the other is the art of realist methods. The two remains in the 19th Century French Realism art which has a lot of research on currently. However, most of it is about its criticalness and the themes characteristics. This paper tries to find out the specificity in formal structure and color expression mainly by analyzing the structure of some representative artist. As we all know, the French realist artists developed the art of realist techniques, especially in the expression of light and sense of space in landscape they made fruitful explore. But few people pay attention to their achievements on pictures'structure, which is there for all to see.Throughout the art history, the 19th century Realism art movement in French is a glorious chapter of the art history of French It has far-reaching influence to the art movements in European countries and China. Furthermore, it has broadened the concept of modern and contemporary painting and create a new art stage for democratic art.
Keywords/Search Tags:Realism, Screen structure, Performance
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