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Studies In The Evolution Of Mao Ze-dong's Attitudes To The US During The Anti-Japanese War

Posted on:2010-07-12Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W GuoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360275456344Subject:Marxist theory and ideological and political education
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The triangular relation among China,America and Japan is the most important triangular relation in the world at present.America is the largest developed country in the world while China is the largest deveolping country in the world.Both the two countries are responsible for the peace in Asia and even in the world.In history, America had once neglected the interests of China,tolerated,fostered and pacified Japan,and as a result,America sufferred from it,too.America and Japan had had confrontation against China,but America and China finally came together for the common interest.In 1945 Mao Ze-dong said:The interests between China and America were related with each other and they were economically and politically connected.We could and must solve the problems together.The Anti-Japanese War is an extremely important stage in the development of the Chinese revolution.China's Anti-Japanese War is an important part and an important battlefield of World War Two.On the Chinese battlefield were often reflected the complicated relations among the the major forces(the Soviet Union, Britian-America-France,Germany-Italy-Japan)and the changes of the international situations,which influenced China's civil political situations.As a statesman,Mao Ze-dong led the Chinese revolution and construction,and in the meantime,he also paid close attention to the changes on the political stage in the world.America was always the focus of his attention.Some specialists have textual research that as early as in 1916, as a young man,in a letter to a friend,Mao Ze-dong expressed his early view on the relations between China and America.He was against America's hegemonism of the world,but he proposed that America take an active part in the affairs in the Pacific area so as to punish ambitious Japan and build equal and mutual-aid relations between China and America.After September 18thEvent happened,along with the development of the Chinese revolutionary situations and the evolution of the American policy concerning China,Mao Ze-dong paid closer attention to America and made deeper research and understanding on the American government's policy about China and,according to this, he guided the Chinese Communist Party's treatment to the relations between China and America.Before 1935,Mao Ze-dong thought that as a country of imperialism and the jackals from the same lair with Japan,America was also a robber oppressing and plundering China.Though it had contradictions with Japan,America was unwilling to help China and took advantages of China's misfortune to do her harm.From 1935 on, Mao Ze-dong began to change his view on America.He further saw the depth of the contradictions between America and Japan,and took America as one of the main democratic countries in the world,pointing out that America should help China.Mao Ze-dong experienced"a phase of aquaintance"from knowing to hoping.From 1935 to 1941 were the most complicated years in all sides of the united front and the most confusing special years in the change of the situations in and out of the united front. Mao Ze-dong and the Chinese Communist Party carried out firm and flexible policy concerning America and held a highly cautious attitude.On the one hand,Mao Ze-dong continued to seek and promote cooperation with America in fighting against Japan;on the other hand,Mao Ze-dong resisted and exposed Britain and America's policy of giving up China and compromising with Japan.Mao Ze-dong experienced a tortuous"exploratory phase".Along with the outbreak of the war between Soviet Union and Germany and the Pacific War,the Chinese Communist Party formed an alliance with America in the united front to fight against Japan.The united front of the international anti-fascism was finally formed and Mao Ze-dong experienced"a phase of combination"from mutual aquaintance to cooperation.In 1944,invited by the Chinese Communist Party,under the promotion of American General Stilwell and his political consultants,President Rosevelt helped the delegation of foreign journalists and the observation group of the American army to visit Yan'an.Later,he assigned Hurley as the President's special envoy to mediate the relations between the Chinese Communist Party and Kuomintang.Therefore,Mao Ze-dong opened a new situation of"going from Yan'an to the world".The Chinese Communist Party realized direct communication and negotiation with American officials and got into a short and unforgettable"intimate phase".Along with the happenings of"Stilwell Event,";"Magazine Meiya Event"and the failure of the scheme of the Draft of Five Agreements and then in Washington, Hurley declaring to carry out the policy of helping Chiang Kai-shek and opposing the Chinese Communist Party,Mao Ze-dong closely watched out the change of American policy concerning China,Mao Ze-dong greatly changed his view on America.The relation between the Chinese Communist Party and America got into"a phase of breaking-off"from opposing to warning.Every action of Mao Ze-dong in treating the relations between the Chinese Communist Party and America reflected his great foresight and awareness of American government's policy as well as its nature.In a word,the evolution of Mao's attitudes toward America experienced a tortuous course of development.Though it's more than 60 years since this period of history,it still has special significance when we recall it.A deep research of the evolution of Mao Ze-dong' attitudes toward America and grasping the inner law can provide reference for the relation between China and America under development.
Keywords/Search Tags:period of Anti-Japanese War, Mao Ze-dong, Sino-American relations
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