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Discuss The Issues Of Management Officials In Shangjunshu

Posted on:2010-06-03Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C L LiFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360272999046Subject:History of Ancient China
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Shangjunshu is a representative of the Warring States period Legalists - Shangyang and subsequent study of a collective work is to study the important thought Shangyang literature. In this paper, the results of previous studies, in order to "Book of Lord Shang" in Materials mainly in combination with other pre-Qin literature and sleeping tiger to Jane Chin of materials, from the elected officials, officials of the examination and incentives, prevention and management of official crime Three aspects of starting, such as the "Book of Lord Shang" of officials to discuss management issues.The first chapter on the Shangjunshu,the elected officials of the problem. According to Shangjunshu in the records of elected officials mainly from war service, agriculture, as well as Gong Gong were traitors of the people who elected. At the same time, Shangjunshu is also clear that the following people are not granted official, they include "torture, and kill people" and "five people", "six ticks," vertically and horizontally as well as the patronage from home.Chapter II of officials of the examination and the issue of rewards and punishments. Of officials to carry out assessment mainly from two aspects: the evaluation time, the examination content. According to officials of the examination results, reward excellent performance; accomplishments bad punished. According to Shangjunshu in the records, the incentives on the way officials granted titleand Promotion; punishment of officials have beheaded and reduce the title. In this chapter we also refer to the Qin bamboo slips which the punishment of officials in order to add Shangjunshu in respect of the limitations of official punishment.Chapter III discusses how to prevent and control crime officials. Shangjunshu in the adoption of a system to prevent officials and crime prevention. Decree a unified system of prevention, including - "A Better governance County form a" perfect the supervisory system - "Lee differences and different victims," the strict division of responsibilities of government officials - "Do not their potential, they are difficult to its Road" three aspects; weight mainly from criminal governance Misdemeanors theory is reasonable, Misdemeanors theoretical content, the implementation of three misdemeanors to explain how the use of heavy punishments to govern crime officials. At the same time, Shangjunshu also made a number of officials and governance-related restrictive measures.
Keywords/Search Tags:Shangjunshu, Officials, Management
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