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On The Predicament Of Subjectivity And The Outlet

Posted on:2010-09-02Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:S L WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360272998974Subject:Marxist philosophy
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The issue of subjectivity exists with human beings, but development of self-consciousness on subjectivity is a long process, which is a course reflecting the unity of history and logic, realistic advancement of subjectivity as well as stepwise forming of subjectivity consciousness. From the comprehensive view of philosophic history, the forming and standing out of subjectivity made up of four steps: confusion between subject and object in primitive society, primary division between them by ontological constitution in Greek, giving subjectivity prominence in the relation of subject an object in modern philosophy, emphasizing subjectivity to the maximum extent in Germany classical philosophy.The ancient Greek thoughts had direct consciousness of subjectivity. It is clear that the ancient Greek people had realized self-consciousness, which is reflected in the Delphi Temple's important words "Know Yourself" and the wise man Protagoras'"Man is the measure of all things, of things that are that they are, and of things that they are not that they are not". The ancient Greek people began to realize the dominant position of humans in human relation with the outside world, aware of the perception object being not independent. It only exists in the relation of subject and object. It certainly recognizes the subjective initiative, which has a profound impact on the following philosophy.Modern empiricism and rationalism highlight the issue of subjectivity based on the origin of knowledge. Rationalism insists the theory of substance, believing that the knowledge of certainty and reliability comes from people's inherent concepts and abilities and that human being is a rational subject able to think. However, empiricism thinks that knowledge comes from people's feeling and experience, of which the subjectivity problem is explored profoundly. German classical philosophy elaborates on subjectivity in an abstract sense, which makes the subjectivity philosophy develop to a high state. It is German classical philosophy that really established the subjectivity status of human being. Subjectivity in modern western philosophy is mainly what Hegel called German Classic idealism. The ideas of "process of self-awareness," "self" and "self-consciousness" are the foundation of the German classical philosophy.In modern Subjectivity philosophy, as humans become the subject, there has emerged the new subjectivity concept, which the ancient Greek philosophy did not have and marks a unique human conscious initiative. Subjective freedom has become the main true theme in modern philosophy and the core of all philosophy; and rationalism is the means to achieve this purpose. Modern philosophy's starting point is rationalism. What it studies is understanding, and what it pursues is truth. It belongs to the rational knowledge and in the history of philosophy completes the epistemological shift.Modern Philosophy starts from the criticism of Hegel's rationalism in the second half of the 19th century. There are two thoughts: scientific and humanistic. The modern subjectivity philosophy's starting point is human being. Its content of study is survival and its goal is freedom. It advocates returning to real life, explaining the existence of the world and human and illustrating the nature of philosophy through the language or human survival. The return from the abstract rationalism to the reality of life marks the end of modern western philosophy and the birth of contemporary western philosophy. The subjectivity of the contemporary philosophy is formed on the basis of the criticism of the modern cognitive subjectivity philosophy. It is based on the survival of people and understands humans and subject from the value and meaning of human survival, so the contemporary subjectivity philosophy is also known as the life subjectivity thought.Subjectivity has been the central problem of modern western philosophy. The modern western philosophy is attempting to destroy the religious theology's disparagement of human being. It puts great emphasis on the subjectivity of human being. The concept of subjectivity is the foundation of modernity. It recognizes the dominant position of humans and the power of human reasoning and finds the will and emotion of people and the value of human irrationalism and so on. The establishment of the subjectivity philosophy is also accompanied by modern philosophy's epistemology shift, and establishes the "main center rational" in "The Philosophical Discourse of Modernity" by Habermas.However, the modern subjectivity philosophy advocates an abstract subjectivity, where the core of subjectivity is thinking (or rational, experience, or consciousness, or spirit). Humans are seen as a purely rational being, and as instruments and media of the self realization of absolute spirit. Therefore, although the modern philosophy of publicity on the subjectivity at one time saves people from the religious shackles, it establishes authority of absolute spirit. So, the subjectivity rationalism not only fails to lead to the liberation of humans but also causes many social problems, such as ecological disasters and the suppression of rational instrument. As a result, it falls into a difficult position in theory and practice. Therefore, the criticism of modern subjectivity constitutes an important cultural dimension in contemporary western society. The subjectivity philosophy has two difficulties: first, the "solipsism" dilemma of epistemological paradigm; second, the plight of "Human Oriented Theory" in the practice area.Getting out of the dilemma of subjectivity is not a theoretical problem, but a practical one. We should not beat around the bush in theoretical logic inference. We should understand and optimize the relationships between humans and nature, between humans and society in the human ever-changing practice. Thus, the "solipsism" and the dilemma of "Human Oriented Theory" will be successfully solved.In the history of western philosophy, revealing the subjectivity in a scientific way belongs to Marx and the Marxist practical philosophy. The Marxist subjectivity thought is based on practice. The practical philosophy sees practice as a kind of ontology; practice is the existence way of people and is the basis of generation and change of the real world. The Marxist subjectivity defines subject-object from ontology and from the value and meaning of human survival, and sees subject-object as the historical product of practice. The unity of subject and object is no longer a problem of truth, but the issue of people freedom and liberation. The value and significance of survival cannot be resolved by epistemology, but can only be solved in the development course of history.The Scientific Outlook on Development carries forward the Marxist basic principles and perspectives about the development of human society. The Scientific Outlook on Development emphasizes the comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable economic and social development, and the harmonious development between man and nature, which is important to guide us out of the dilemma of subjectivity. To get out of the dilemma of subjectivity, what we need to do at this stage is to thoroughly implement the Scientific Outlook on Development under the guidance of the Marxist practical subjectivity. We should abandon the irrational elements in the traditional subjectivity by reflecting on it, gradually establish a scientific and rational subjectivity thought and stick to the sustainable development. Thus the contemporary subjectivity dilemma can be resolved.
Keywords/Search Tags:the thought of subjectivity, predicament, outlet
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