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The Predicament And Outlet

Posted on:2015-02-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:X H TanFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428968140Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The British writer Virginia Woolf, discussed the plight of modem people’s life from the female perspective, and presented some constructive views on how modern people could "breakout" in the works of stream of consciousness, including "Darrow Dalloway","to the Lighthouse" and "waves". Woolf was not influenced by existentialism philosophy, but her views and existentialist philosopher, Kerr Kay Gol, Sutter, Heidegger’s existentialism theory has different approaches but equally satisfactory results related to the wonderful. In the relationship between man and the world, Woolf thought that the world was an alien, hostile forces for the people; And in such a world, the relationship between people completely had been deviated from the idyllic agrarian society human relations.It not only exists in the outside community between the different characters of estrangement, within the family relationship between the characters also tend to indifference; others and the world formed by self with others are have been like this, the relationship between man and the self also is in trouble:Women in the " play life" loss themselves, men are suffering the division between the inside and the outside. In all these relationships, people are always vulnerable to loneliness and despair. All of these were conveyedThrough the characters especially women’s life and experience. The stream-of-consciousness technique such as the interior monologue, free association, conveyed the feelings carefully and in depth. Finally, Woolf thought that man can make some efforts of their own to face the survival plight and break through it. Specifically, it contained several areas:the face of the world:Sense and Sensibility with communication; confront others:compassion; faced self:Be yourself and go beyond ourselves. Finally over all, the world should strive to seek the unity of "Poetry and Thought", the others and self-complete. These views were not systematic, provision of, but scattered and emerged from the life and fate of the characters in the three works. Woolf dedicated to reveal the existential dilemma of modern people and explore the way out, not only for thinking of his own life and survival of the era, but also her pursuit of value as a female writer.
Keywords/Search Tags:The stream of consciousness, existentialism, world, others, self
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