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Trying To Discuss The Battle Of Kadesh And Its Influence

Posted on:2010-12-25Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C H XueFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360272998664Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In view of the importance of the battle of Kadesh in the history of Egypt, the paper mainly talks about the battle of Kadesh and the silver treaty. It is one of the most detailed battles that discovered at present. It has particular value of military affair. RamessesⅡof Egypt and MuwatalliⅡof Hittites concluded the silver treaty in the year of B.C.1258,which is the first international peace treaty .It also took the form of making a treaty to end a battle for the first time, setting the criterion for the later international relationship. So the text is going to talk about the background, the process, and the result of the battle, trying to comment and understand the battle and the treaty. The whole text contains the preface and the text includes three parts, here is the summary as follows: The preface mainly states the reason of choosing the subject and the current situations as well as the existing problems inside and outside the country. The text tries to set forth the unusual opinions basing on the previous scholars'research.一,The preparation before the battleComparing the two sides of Egypt and Hittite, we can see that they all elaborately arranged for the battle, so the battle had brewed for a long time. It is the result of the contradiction of the two sides. This part includes two sections, and here are the follows: 1.1 The rise of Hittite and its preparation for the battle.The Hittites were a people who once lived in what is modern Turkey and northern Syria. The Hittites were an ancient people who spoke an Indo-European language, and formed the earliest known civilization in Asia Minor (now Turkey).The Hittites were one of the first peoples to smelt iron successfully. In order to contest the Syria and Palestine, the kingdom of Hittite MuwatalliⅡchanged the capital onto the south of Asia Minor near the battlefield. They also recruited people from the Asia Minor and the Mediterranean. He also formed the league with many countries. He sended 37,000 people and 3500 chariots to attack Egypt.1.2 The outspread of Egypt and its preparation for the battle.Since the ancient Kingkom, the Egypt unceasingly invaded the region of Palestine and Syria. In the eighteenth dynasty of kingdom, the Pharaoh Of ThumoseⅢhad control the area of Euphrates, the Hittite collided with Egypt since they both wanted to colonized the territory of Palestine and Syria. RamesseⅡchanged his capital, he also recruited an army. 二,The process of the battle of KadeshIn the fifth year of his regiment, the battle broke out between Egypt and Hittite. because RamessesⅡbelieved what the two spies'trickery. So the Egypt was defeated by Hittite. In the following years, RamessesⅡtook some campaign to recover the former domain. this battle indicated the two countries'declines, It was also the largest chariot battle. It made an important effect to the international relationship. This chapter includes two sections.2.1 The reason of the battleThe battle was the long time conflict of the two countries, this was the basic reason. Otherwise. The aim of the battle for the Egypt was to protect his neighbor Mitanni. But the direct reason was fighting for Amulu.2.2 The process of the battle.This section mainly introduces the process of the battle. In year 5, the division of pre under the lead of RamessesⅡhimself, the other three dropped behind. On its northward march two Hittite spies were taken and questioned. They informed the Egypt falsely that the Hittite army was at Aleppo. So the Egypt army released, at this time, the Hittite gave the Egypt a big beat, at this very opportune moment reinforcements arrived to save RamessesⅡ.2.3 The end of the battle.The chapter mainly introduces the end of the battle and how is everything going after the battle. The following days of the battle there happened some little fight. When the Egyptian army went back to its country, RamessesⅡgave the prisoner to the Amun. He was no doubt only too glad of an excuse to withdraw without loss of face. Although the actual battle was drawn, strategically the result was a defeat for the Egyptians, and they had to retire homeward. A peace treaty was concluded in year 21 between Egypt and Hittite as between two equal great powers, and its provisions were reciprocal.三,The influence and appreciation of the battleThis chapter mainly analyses the battle in different points. In the military affairs, it will talk about the weapon and tactic of the two sides. In the international relationship, the long struggle may well have had no other immediate result than to convince the two powers that neither could overcome the other. The peace treaty maintained a long time peace, it played an important role in the history. It also provided the methods to handle the international conflict. 3.1 The military analysis of the battleIn the military view, the two sides have the advantagement and disadvantagement, the iron weapon of Hittite is better than the weapon of Egypt, the Egypt'chariot is flexible than that of Hittite. No matter how, the greatness of the scale, the profoundness of its affectionate advance of the weapon, which reflects the high military level of the two countries.3.2 The influence of the international relationship of the battleAfter the battle, there were more economic communication and culture exchange in this area. It was also a symbol that the two countries were on the wane. From then, both of them could not launch a battle like this one. The battle made Hittite weaker. It not have the ability to expend southward. The two sides could not overcome the other. Of course, we can not deny the fact that they deprived the people because of the battle.3.3 The content and the appraise of the silver treaty.The peace treaty was concluded between the Hittite and Egyptian empires in the year 21 of RamessesⅡ. Its eighteenth article of the treaty calls for peace between the two counties and then proceeds to maintain that their respective gods also demand peace. It contains a mutual assistance pact in the event that one of the empires should be attacked by a third party. The treaty wants to plot out the Syria and Palestine. But it maintains peaceful condition for a long time impersonally.
Keywords/Search Tags:Egypt, Hittites, RamessesⅡ, the Battle of Kadesh, Silver Treaty
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