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The Research Of The History Of Piano Duet

Posted on:2009-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H Z XuFull Text:PDF
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Piano duet, as a kind of chamber music, has a long history with its golden age from the late eighteenth century to the whole nineteenth century. Since 1997, piano duet has gotten more and more attention and popularity in China. However, because of the relatively late beginning, the popularization of the piano duet is still an arduous task. In view of this, the author thinks that it is quite necessary to do the study of the piano duet based on its historical background. Therefore this paper will analyze the historical factors which contribute to the piano duet's popularity and decline, the chamber music style and the teaching tradition of the piano duet. It also explores the concert tradition and the composition of the piano duet. Hopefully, this paper can help the music lovers deepen their understanding of the piano duet as well as love it more.
Keywords/Search Tags:Piano, Piano duet, History
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