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Grammar Sduty On Beiliu Dialect Of Guangxi

Posted on:2009-08-04Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:R XuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360272491702Subject:Chinese Philology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
This paper is a thesis about dialetal grammar study on one dialect point. At present the study about Chinese dialectal grammar is in the ascendant, however , and few people are interest in the grammar study of Guangxi(广西) Chinese dialect. The writer is from the city of Beiliu(北流) of Guangxi province. Beiliu is in the southeast of Guangxi and under the city of Yulin(玉林), where all the people can speak Cantonese and some people can speak Hakka dialect or Taiwanese. In adjacent areas the people can speak Cantonese or Hakka dialect or some dialect which is difficult to categorize. Beiliu dialect is affiliated to the Goulou(勾漏) subdialect. Based on the phonetic investigation and lexical investigation, the writer represented the investigation and research of Beiliu dialect.Because we expected to recognize the grammar system of Beiliu dialect, we designed a form which took the modern Chinese grammar system as a reference. In the investigation we took the introspection method mainly and supplemented with field research.Finally, we find that Beiliu dialect has some feature as fellow: 1) there is some affixes such as"a(阿), lao(佬), po(婆) and so forth; 2) there are some words which modifiers are behind the head; 3) the diminutives is er-suffixation(儿尾) with a tone sandhi phenomenon; 4) the reduplicative forms of verbs and adjcetives are with a tone sandhi phenomenon which is divided into two parts, that is yin (阴) and yang(阳); 5) the demonstrative pronoun is ge(个), which originates from ge(个) as a classifier and can't be used as a word in a sentense; 6) the demonstrative pronouns which indicate extent and modalities refer to both far and near; 7) there is some special interrogative pronons, one of which is ren(人) that means who and originates mieren(乜人); 8) while expressing number, yi(一) is used to be omited when it is at head, and so are"ten, hundred, thousand, ten thousand…"when they are at the end; 9) the common classifier is zhi(只), and many classifiers have local features; 10) the phrase composed by classifier and noun is difinite while as subject, and the phrase composed by classifier and pronoun can refer to noun, and classifier can be subject; 11) the verbal aspect system include progressive aspect, perfect aspect, experience aspect, past aspect and terminative aspect; 12) the directional verb can be placed after the object or the complement; 13) there is a negative adverb mao(冇) which can refer to both the past and the future; 14) there are many mood auxiliary words; 15) the comparative sentence isguo-sentence, in which the complement is after the adjective and before guo(过); 16) when the indirect object of the double-object sentence is some person, it is used to be placed after the direct object; 17) the dispositional sentence is used to take the structure of VP+bi(畀)+O when it refer to giving, and it usually places qu(渠) at the end as a anaphoric word when it refer to order; 18) the interrogative particle ma(嘛) of the Yes-or-no interrogative sentence composes by mao(冇) and a(阿); 19) the passive sentence can be marked by zhe(着) and the agent object can not be omitted at usual; 20) the structure NP+V+you(有)+NP means there is something in somewhere; 21) and there are some special sentence patterns such as dei-sentence and duoshao-sentence.
Keywords/Search Tags:Beiliu, Cantonese, grammar study
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