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And Natural Dialogue

Posted on:2009-01-24Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:Y RenFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360245962502Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The past, through the tireless efforts of the previous artist, painting landscapes - this kind of painting are maturing in various stages of development has produced a lot of valuable works handed down. You Yuan in the works that the conception and the feelings behind the Tiantan in today's depressed and loss of modern urban life, like a cup of Qing-Cha afternoon, so that people in the complex and chaotic the uproar was the slightest relieved, and the reunification between the natural world, That enjoyment of the people of contentedly. Landscape paintings show the people and the natural world is the spirit of dialogue, the main creative work is not only describe the performance of inner feelings, but also take care of spirits was the embodiment of life forms. Has been teaching landscape painting is compulsory teaching of courses, has an indispensable role, over the years, generation after generation to the joint efforts of the older generation, teaching painting in the landscape painting in the development of more and more mature, in recent years painting scenery Teaching of all Academy of Fine Arts in China also can be said that exchange, and promote the development of education in the painting process. Nothing is constant in the development of contradictions, while affirming the progress At the same time, there are also impede our rapid development factors, the objective reality of the world, but also the impact of subjective self-consciousness, then the objective and subjective fully aware of the presence At the same time, find new teaching ideas is essential, and this is also the purpose of the study in this paper.Landscape Painting with direct face painting nature of the characteristics that the learning process is very easy to mobilize students learning enthusiasm, and deepen the understanding of life and enhance their aesthetic perception of things, the ability, imagination and expression. Mr. Zong Baihua said: " 'Wenguerzhixin,' and it is art and art criticism right attitude. Step forward on the history of the progress of the second step is often accompanied by poor detection of the source." In the world new environment, traditional paintings exploring education is very important. Aesthetic experience in the traditional understanding of the source of concentric and temperament in Xujing of mind, I am feeling of the aesthetic sense of harmony between man and nature and the reification realm, and in the exploration of this source found in the course of China's precious heritage artistic spirit, and explore suitable in the present-day society is the key to the teaching of the concept. Based on the current landscape painting on canvas the status of teaching and research analysis, carried out a painting for college students Landscape Painting education in the survey, students know this course and the level of awareness in the specific paint encountered in the learning process , as well as what they are treated mental state. The survey found that the students loved to paint landscapes, but most are only in the form of painting on the study, ignore it and inter-cultural collision, as well as the aesthetic experience of self-concern, which is the focus of this paper,. Oil Landscape Painting by teaching, so that students in the painting process of understanding and mastering the law of light, rich and better grasp the basic law of paintings modeling techniques and skills, training students on the color sensitivity and ability to apply it, but painting is not just the classroom and the continuation of supplementary teaching this course in a higher sense, is training students in the classroom teaching difficult to achieve some kind of aesthetic quality and artistic accomplishment of significance. Landscape Painting in teaching students cultivate eyes, heart, and the interaction between the hands, e) If so that they are more real and Smart, in the constant accumulation of reflection and exploration, enhance the value of landscape painting in improving the skills of painting at the same time, Training students mind, temperament and emotion, fully enhance their understanding of the nature of painting. Its organic and other disciplines, so teaching can play a very good role, so as to the future of learning and lay a solid foundation for creativity.
Keywords/Search Tags:Oil Landscape Painting, aesthetic experience, aesthetic sense, art cultivation, artistic spirit
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