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The Management Of The Culture Industry In Institutional Innovation

Posted on:2009-10-28Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:L YuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360245486041Subject:Industrial Economics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
As the economic and cultural integration in the contemporary society, the cultural industry has become a high-developing new industry. The cultural industry is playing an increasingly important role in the promotion of the national economy. The cultural industry has ideological feature, which always makes its development can not totally out of the government's control and management, especially in the transition of China's economic system. The development of cultural industries in institutional innovation must obey the laws of the market, and also accord with China's ideology. The game between the government and the main players in the market led to the development of cultural industries imbalance. To overcome these problems is a value research. This paper thinks that the government is the key to resolve the state of inefficiency of cultural industry in the institutional innovation. The government's effective management of the cultural industry can be greatly reduced the implementation of cost and friction cost in the culture industry institutional innovation.This paper based on the theory of institutional economics, in light of China's actual situation of cultural industry institutional change, using triangular model, describes management of the cultural industry. First, the paper introduces some institutional economics involved and China's research status of cultural industries. Second, describe the basic features of the cultural industry. Third, from the perspective of system economics, describes China's cultural industries the evolution of system changes, characteristics and the existence of path dependence in the theoretical level and then propose new path to overcome these obstacles. In my opinion, the government's innovation of cultural industry management system is the key to overcome the path dependence. In view of the current institutional environment of cultural industries, point out corresponding solutions by using triangle model of the management of the cultural industry. In the micro context, establish the "3 +1" model of culture corporate governance to replace the original administrative management. In the macro context, use the resource allocation function of the market and reduce the government's direct control of the cultural industry. At the end of this thesis, a policy suggestion is put forward to the cultural industry, putting this theory into the practical research of the management cultural industry. Different from other research on cultural industries, this paper focuses on the imbalance of culture industry in institutional innovation, stresses the government's decisive role in the cultural industry institutional innovation. The government, by using effective management system of the cultural industry can be reduced all cost of institutional innovation and promote the development of the cultural industry. This paper has some differences in the mainstream of industrial economics paradigm, but from another perspective draws some useful conclusions, thus enriching the cultural industry research.
Keywords/Search Tags:cultural industry, institutional innovation, triangle model, management of cultural industry
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