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The Life Narration In Lirui's Novel

Posted on:2009-09-09Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C F DongFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360245470407Subject:Chinese Ethnic Language and Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Li Rui is an important storywriter since the"new period". He has serious attitude in his creation. He maintains distance from the creative trend on the literary world, and he refuses to make chorus with other writers. He has passed a resistant road in his more than 20 years'novel creation. Along with time passed, his novels get more and more attention and recognition.Life narration is a theoretical novel terminology which appears in recent years, which explains novel from the view of life. Life narration emphasizes the solicitude of body and the spirit for life and it has heartfelt solicitude for life. At the same time, novel explains life and person from his own individual life experience of the writer. Besides, the form of novel must be congenial to the content. In this dissertation, we pursue the connotation of Li Rui's novels from the view of life.Li Rui regards"expressing deep-rooted and imprinted life experience"as his own literature creation concept, and regards"using Chinese characters to express his own ideas"as his literature pursuit, his life experience has offered him a lot of deep-rooted and imprinted experience and expressing these life experiences is one of his important creation motivation. However, he does not become a simple and pure writer who only releases his feelings but has considerable restraint in his expressing feelings and pursues the highest boundary of the novel art. His novels are filled with the profound solicitude for life: firstly, it expresses respect and reverence for life and has a kind of sacred sense for living; it has also written a lot of dead cases in his novels, from the dead cases in his writing, it has expressed his sympathy, pity and understanding for life and pursuit of the meaning of life; Secondly, his novel expressed the solicitude for the survival situation, especially of the difficult situation; thirdly, his novel has the thought of saving and releasing persons, this mainly shows in the splendid mercy of maternal instinct of Buddha of the female figures in his novels. The novel creation of Li Rui has considerable conscious in the form of his novels, in this dissertation, we see the organic and harmonious unification between the art forms and life expression in his novels from the narrative time, the spoken language and the art of giving name.The life narration of Li Rui's novels has important meaning in the history of literature, at the same time, it has important enlightened meaning for the current novel creation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Li Rui, novel, life narration
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