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Research On The City Charters Of Medieval Western Europe

Posted on:2009-12-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:M Z ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360245465749Subject:World of medieval history
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The city charters promoted The development of medieval western city . It is just the appearance of city charters, which make the city get rid of the hindrance of feudalism, no longer as the village, this promoted the the economy of the city. About the city, Henri Pirenne said:"the birth of the city symbolizes a new time of western European interior history".The charters appeared in Western Europe in the 10th century, it has some relation with the restore of western business. Along with the development of western business, also the city developed, but the feudalism which adapts with feudal society make it hard to go further.During the middle ages the fiefdom system was in popular, it has relation with the stage of Germanic nationality before their migration, also because the civilization of Rome has been destroyed. Under the fiefdom system, the lords have lots of privileges in their own territories, it including the power of collecting money for taxes, the power of asking labor service, the power on judicature, the power over the people in the fief and so on. These stipulations take bad influence to the development of urban economy, what is worse, when serious, it has even affected the normal work of the city. So the city, must get rid of these stipulations if it want to continue develop, the charters has offered one opportunity to the city.The charters offered some privileges to the city, it thus made the economy of the city to go further. Under resident's request, at the same time want to get benefit from the city, the king and the lord awarded the charters to the city. In the charters it include a lot of privileges, such as personal freedom, the right of be free from taxes, the power of personal freedom, land free power, the right of Trial in the city and so on. It is just because has obtained these privileges, the city has obtained the status which in the feudal society the countryside does not have,"the urban air causes the human to be free", is a reflection of this.
Keywords/Search Tags:Medieval, City, Charters
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