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On The Diplomatic Events In The Flower In The Vicious Sea

Posted on:2008-05-11Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J H WuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242969314Subject:Ancient Chinese literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the history of the literature or novel, when the novels in later Qingare mentioned, generally "The phenomenon of corruption in thegovernment" written by Li Boyuan, "the strange things of 20 years"written by Wu Yanren, Lao Can's travels written by Liu E and theflower in the vicious sea are explained as the representative works.Among them, the flower in the vicious sea is regarded as the mostvaluable which is bom from old democratic revolution of ChineseCapitalist Class. At that time, many important historical events havetaken place in China, especially the frequent diplomatic events were paidmuch attention to. Although the descriptions of the diplomatic eventsappeared as the background of the novel, it was then an rare attempt and agreat beginning. The content of the whole novel is the 40-year socialsituation abroad and at home from 1865 to 1905. The scholars may havenoticed the point, but they haven't put it in an important position, whichcan be called as a blank point.The novel, the flower in the vicious sea, from the open and highperspective, shows us the sudden change in the situation of modernsociety. The whole work, based on the picture of life of the men of lettersand literati from upper classes of society from the early Tong Zhi Year inthe later Qing to Jia Wu Year, unfolded the social phenomenon in terms ofpolitics and diplomacy. A series of diplomatic events, on the one hand canlet us feel deeply the nature of diplomatic policy of national betrayal andhumiliation of the government in later Qing and the main causes of thefailure of the policy, and on the other hand, we can also percept the strongshake and influence of the diplomatic events on the whole society and themen of letters and literati. What's more, from the aim of the works, theflower in the vicious sea, is a historical novel, so the author thinks it veryvaluable to study the diplomatic events and in the paper the author will attempt to make a careful and detailed analysis. The author hopes that thework can be a contribution to the academic study so that the diplomaticevents will be showed solicitude for in the academic circles.30-year things were written full of blood. In the paper, the authorpainstakingly collected the war between China and France, the warbetween China and Japan in Jia Wu Year, the war of Taiwan, the war ofYili and the event between China and Russia in Pamier described in theflower in the vicious sea and also gave it an important discussion. Theauthor, grasping the record of actual events, the important feature,confirms the diplomatic events and historical facts and percepts theimplementation and the nature of the diplomatic policy of the governmentin later Qing. First of all, the author mentioned the cause, process, resultand influence of every event. Next, the author concludes the foreignpolicy of national betrayal and humiliation of the government accordingto the development of the diplomatic events. Last, the author inspects themain causes of the failure of the foreign policy: one is the invasion natureof the imperialism and another is the corrupt and incompetent of QingGovernment and another is the diplomatic policy of compromise andhumiliation. And at the same time, the author also probes deep into theinfluence of these diplomatic events on the men of letters in the society atthat time.Because of my little talent and less learning, less experience andlimited level, the immature points of view and analysis can not beavoided, hoping for teachers and experts'supplement and correction.
Keywords/Search Tags:The flower in the vicious sea, Diplomatic event, Foreign policy, Influence
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