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Restore To Original The Whole Story Of Move Of Yung-loh Temple's Mural

Posted on:2009-08-22Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:C F GaoFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242483843Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the year of 1957 , the building programme was established for the "Yellow River San Men Xia" reservoirs. Because the Yung-loh temple in Shanxi Province was placed in the programming area of the drown, it was decided that all of the building and mural in Yung-loh Temple be moved and restored in Lung-chuan village , which was more than 20kms apart from the original location. The new location is in the north of the Rui County. The move of the mural in Yung-loh Temple had several main stages, as follows: the mural coping, taking off, transporting and restoring . The Cultural Department organized a copy-group , which was constituted from the teachers and students in the Central Art College and the civil entertainers , who were responsible for the copy of Yung-loh temple's mural. Lu Hongnian, the professor in the Central Art College, was the leader of the copy-group, and Wang Dingli who was borned in a traditional mural family hold the post of an art instructor. The Research Institute of China Cultural Relic and the Temporary Moving and Seting-up Committee in Shanxi Provingce were responsible for the work of mural's taking off, reinforcing and installing. The color repairing of mural was responsible to Pan Jiezi in Peking Painting College, who leaded the students in the Art Department of Shanxi University to complete the work with three months.The move of Yung-loh Temple experienced successively for nine years. It took place at the time when the People's Republic of China was just established . Not only was it an unprecedented undertaking in Chinese cultural history , but also an important event in Chinese art history. The mural's restoration in Yung-loh Temple was the creation of all participants with intelligence and sweats .Fifty years have been already gone. It is the aim of the thesis to inspire the fulfillment of cultural relic protection in nowdays, by narrating the whole story seriously and accurately, revealing the benefits and the frauds of crafts and inquiring into the deep meaning and value of the engineering.Using the phrase "Restore to Original" as topic has two layers of meanings. At first, it means to restore the whole history of move ; Secondly, it refers especially to the whole process of move from original location to the new. The history is demonstrated mainly through the dictation of the party concerned, in order that it is described reliably and vividly.
Keywords/Search Tags:Yung-loh Temple's Mural, Coping, Taking Off, Repairing, Gain and Loss
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