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The Verification About Xie He's Guhuapinlu's Age Of Accomplishment

Posted on:2008-07-15Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D F ZhangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360242457379Subject:Fine Arts
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Verification about Xie He's Guhuapinlu' s Age of AccomplishmentBeginning with Xie He's whole life by comparing the idea of learners from ancient to now, this thesis draws a conclusion that Xie He (谢赫) was born in Liu-Song dynasty and through the whole Nan-Qi dynasty and-dead in early Xiao-Liang-dynasty. After discussing the conception of Zhongxing(中兴) and Liangtaiqingmu (《梁太清目》) carefully, The thesis denies Mr. Ding Xi-yuan' s thinking of that Guhuapinlu (《古画品录》) was writen between C. 552 to C. 553. At the same time, the artical discusses another question" the writing year of Xuhuapin(《续画品》), which is very help prove out the correct time of Guhuapinlu.The controversy focused on C. 552: some learners think it was before C. 552 that Yaozui (姚最) had completed his masterpiece while others think Yaozui did that after C. 552. Comparing Mr. Ding Xi-yuan's idea and Mr. Chen Chuan-xi'(陈传席)s idea and Mr. Luan Guang-ming'(栾广明)s idea, I think Yao Zui completed his masterpiece before C. 552 is right, but it still has some doubles. Though it is hard to test, I can work out by other way. Mr. JinWei-nuo(金维诺) thinks Xie He's masterpiece completed during C. 532--549 is wrong, so it seems only Mr. Liu Xun-fa' (刘巽发) s thinking that Xie He finished his masterpiece before C. 532 is correct. But Mr. Liu does not have any theoretical and academic researches.After comparing the masterpiece of Xie He's and Yaozui's again, the author had two findings: one is Zhang Seng-you (张僧繇), the other is Xiao Yi (萧绎). As an important artist of painting why Zhang Seng-you was forgotten by Xie He? It is confused; being a governor and artist why Xiao Yi did not be paid more attention by Xie He? It is not be convinced, too. So I investigate the time when they became famous and confirm the institutions of their compositions and their movements of politics. At last, I verify that Xie He's work was finished before C. 528. While writing this thesis, I have testified many data of history, which help me complete the dissertation, and I know this is not a end but a new start. key words Xie He (谢赫) Guhuapinlu (《古画品录》) Zhongxing (中兴) Liangtaiqingmu (《梁太清目》) Xuhuapin(《续画品》) Buddle Wei Gong (威公) of Guangzhai temple Xie Qian (解蒨) Gu Ye-wang (顾野王) Lu Gao(陆皋) YuanAng(袁昂) Zhang Seng-you(张僧繇) Xiao...
Keywords/Search Tags:Xie He(谢赫), Guhuapinlu (《古画品录》), Zhongxing (中兴), Liangtaiqingmu (《梁太清目》), Xuhuapin (《续画品》), Buddie Wei Gong (威公) of Guangzhai temple, Xie Qian (解(艹倩)), GuYe-wang (顾野王), Lu Gao(陆皋)
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