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Discuss The Economic Politics Of Reagan's Period

Posted on:2008-12-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:W J WangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215991346Subject:World History
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
At the seventies of the twenty century, the U.S.A. got into the 'stagnate and inflation', hinderedthe economic development. At the beginning of the eighties, the economic politics of Legion'sgovernment made the U.S.A. get rid of the 'stagnate and inflation', the economic developmentwalked up to flourishing once again. Its implement had profound effects to American society.The paper is made of three chapters.The first chapter is concerning the historical backgrounds of Legion's economic politics. InChapterl, I have introduced the economic situations before Legion's period, namely, the highinflation ratio, the slow economic increasing, the slow labor rate of production, the large tradedeficit. Because the economic politics of Keynes school had no effects to them, Legion entered thewhite palace with the flag of the school.The second chapter is concerning the contents of Legion's economic politics. In Chapter2, I havelisted the economic politics in Legion's period, namely, adjusting revenue politics, reducinggovernmental restriction to enterprises, cutting down the expenses of federal no national defense,enforcing retrenched currency politics, and increasing the expenses of federal national defense.The third chapter is concerning the evaluations of Legion's economic politics, I have expoundedthe defended theories of Legion's economic politics in Program 1. In Program2, I have set forth theeffects of Legion's economic politics, respectively, shaking off the high inflation ratio, promotingthe economic development continently, advancing the science and technology's development. InProgram3, I have explained the problems in Legion's economic politics, including the high deficitand trade deficit, the large distribution of wealth, and high bank interest rate.
Keywords/Search Tags:Legion, the economic politics, effects, influence
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