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Thinker And Traveler In The Incomplete World

Posted on:2008-03-05Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:D M LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215987570Subject:Comparative Literature and World Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The so-called comparison, has two main methods: Contrast andAnalogy. The contrast method focuses on differences, but the analogy onsimilarities. With the contrast method, the characteristics of twocompared objects are demonstrated more clearly and obviously, with theanalogy method, some general rules and patterns can beconcluded. Using the method of parallel research with the focus on theanalogy, juxtaposing a Chinese writer named Shi Tiesheng and aJapanese writer named Ohe Kenzaburo, both of who has no any contactor influential relationship, the article emphatically makes a bidirectionalinvestigation on the similarities and inosculation in their literature worksin order to discover the intrinsically aesthetic nature and commonness.Although both writers have no any contact or direct influentialrelationship, there is something of inner logical relations between theirworks. For example, both their works not only reveal the misery andanxiety of human being in plight, but also show much sympathy towardsthe final fate of human being and try to find a solution to such plight. Soit is reasonable to make a bidirectional illustration of their literary works.For literature shouldn't be limited in a single culture system of just onlyone nation. Literature must break though its previous thinking patternand realize the existence of the other, its aesthetic qualities can be moreextensively understood, which also promotes self-understanding. That isthe first purpose of the article, namely mutual-understanding.Meanwhile, despite the variety of literature in the world, Differentliterature in different nations have something in common in theunderstanding the concept of human. So with the examples of different literature works, seeking for similar answers to some questions, thesecond purpose of mutual-proving is probably attained.This article is divided into three chapters. Chapter 1 mainlydemonstrates how both writers are engaged with the topic of deformity,which, furthermore, becomes the lifetime topic of their literary works,because both of them were suffering from their own disabilities. However,both writers didn't indulge themselves with the depression of theirpersonal misfortune. On the contrary, they realized it was a plight for allhuman being. Chapter 2 mainly demonstrates their philosophical thinkingon the plight of human's existence. Although they are not professionalphilosophers, both of them were influenced by Existentialism philosophy.They both ingeniously transfer their abstract philosophical thought intoconcrete and vivid literary images. Knowing what is absurd doesn't meanaccepting it or take no any measures for it. Ohe Kenzaburo and ShiTiesheng try to overcome the absurdity thought their own active choiceand find a solution to human being. Chapter 3 demonstrates they showsome interest in the religious spirit of non-logos. Religious atmospherepenetrate in their later works, however, both of them hold no firmreligious belief. What they seek for is a kind of religious spirit withoutany gods. They advocate human's self-salvation and their works providesome good examples for later writers to think about human'sself-salvation.
Keywords/Search Tags:Incomplete world, Existentialism, Religious spirit
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