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Suffering And Salvage

Posted on:2008-05-17Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:J LiuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215487609Subject:Chinese Modern and Contemporary Literature
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
The Paper will analyze MuDan's poems from two aspects of miseryand salvage that are based on poring over the text and grasping materialas a whole. The thesis consists of two parts, part one approaching thesuffering of MuDan's poems, and the second half inquiring into the saveon basis of misery.As a poet, the most advanced artistic realm is to sing the nationalsound, which is eternal and essential, using his own heart; what's more,readers can distinguish his sound and enjoy it, as if the poet and thewhole nation are in perfect harmony in emotion and experiences. So weprobe into MuDan and misery of his poems from this prerequisite. Firstly,we will explain the historical background and subject tradition of miseryin MuDan's poems and develop it from source angle. The historicalbackground is the basis of reality, the subject tradition is artistic origins,and the development of misery is expansion of individual experiences.Secondly, we will explain apparent formation of misery in MuDan'spoems from existence angle, which is the core of misery and the key tounderstanding MuDan. We will interpret it step by step from fouraspects, which are concrete misery, contradiction and resistance,alienation and introspection, chewing death in time.MuDan does not sink into misery, but enthusiastically explores themethods of salvage. Just like LuXun, Mu Dan engulfs misery andstruggles to go forward in it. The salvage of MuDan is founded on"people" in three respects that are religion, culture and art. MuDan is nota believer of religion, so we just Can say his spirits salvage is a kind ofreligion feeling, or a concept that is like the religion. The calamities thatChrist suffered, the rebirth from sufferings, and the capacious immaterial solicitude are what MuDan esteems and what he is eager to achieve. Itseems that he has found a way to reconstruct the citizen spirit, and in fact,one to redeem himself. There is comparatively much religion vocabularyand religion metaphor in MuDan's poems.Standing at a culture crossing in modern or ancient times, in Chinaor elsewhere, MuDan is at a loss in encircling of civilization. He tries tobreak out of the encirclement. He acquires power of sprite and courage ofresisting from Lu Xun and other enlighteners, and rebuilds modernculture of China in studying modernist of the West. To poet MuDan, all ofhis expectations' coming true only depends on poetry. In MuDan'sopinion, building true Chinese poetry is the achievement of sprit salvagein higher level.
Keywords/Search Tags:MuDan, poem, suffering, salvage
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