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The Locative Meaning Of Li, Nei, Zhong, Wai And Their Collocation Relationship

Posted on:2008-12-20Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:H YangFull Text:PDF
GTID:2155360215483233Subject:Linguistics and Applied Linguistics
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
In the fourteen single locative words of Chinese, Li, Nei, Zhong, Wai are special. They have the obvious nature of container. The correspondent Li, Nei, Zhong and Wai can be called locative words of container. The thesis especially analyzes the spatial nature of Li, Nei, Zhong and Wai, and displays their locative meanings. Based on this, the collocation of Li, Nei, Zhong and Wai with other words has been investigated. In other words, we analyze what words can collocate with containor locative words. We are trying to explain the collocation from the perspective of cognitive psychology.The whole thesis can be divided into five parts.Introduction: This part is mainly about the study scope and object. It introduces the present research on locative words in the past and nowadays. Meanwhile, it gives a brief introduction of some theories and methods which is used in writing the thesis. Finally, it introduces the source of corpus.Chapter One The Spatial Nature of Li, Nei, Zhong and Wai: This part illustrates the origin and development of container locative words. By analyzing the nature of container locative words, we classify them into two categories, namely endocentric Li, Nei, Zhong and exocentric Wai which have been examined preliminarily in this part. Li emphasizes"fullness and wholeness";Nei"limitation";Zhong"big space and range as well as mobility";Wai outer space,embodying the rendition of reflection.Chapter Two The Collocation of Endocentric and Exocentric words: This part observes the collocation between the nominal components and endocentric or exocentric words. Endocentric container words can only be collocated with nouns indicating big range, massive groups, abstraceness,human organ,organization. This is mainly because those nouns themselves embody cognitive characteristic and incompatible with spatical one of Wai.In most accasions, those noun elements attached with"Li Nei Zhong"matches with the special characteristic of Wai. Not having the match is quite rare.Chapter Three The Collocation of Endocentric Words:As for the collocation of endocentric words, the part combining with container locative words are mainly predicative element. Difference and similarity formed by predicative element indicate corresponding compatibility of indocentric words. Charecteristics are as follows: predicative element cannot match with"Nei"and"Wai",partly,can combine with"Li"and"Zhong".Because of the nature of"Zhong"itself, the combination of predicative element and"Zhong"is frequent. The verbal phrases matched with"Zhong"cannot combile with"Li".Ajectives indicating atmosphere, psychology, ray and color cannot combile with"Li",among which"AP+Zhong"cannot match with"AP+Li"Chapter Four Conclusion This part is a conclusion of the whole thesis. Meanwhile, we analyze the differences between the container locative words and the compound locative words of Li, Nei, Zhong and Wai.The main creative aspects involves the deep analysis of the spatial nature and locative meaning of single locative words Li, Nei, Zhong and Wai, which are explained in terms of container metaphor. It examines the collocation of locative structures in details and analyzes the collocative relation among the container locative structures. All of these studies displays the laws of using these four locative words...
Keywords/Search Tags:Li, Nei, Zhong, Wai, container, spatial nature, collocation, cognition
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