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Major Difference In Spatial Cognition

Posted on:2015-03-31Degree:MasterType:Thesis
Country:ChinaCandidate:N LuFull Text:PDF
GTID:2255330428499606Subject:Applied psychology
Abstract/Summary:PDF Full Text Request
Spatial cognition is an important constituent of human intelligence structure. Thestudy of the ability to process spatial information not only has significant theoreticalmeaning to the understanding of human ability of spatial cognition, but also has itsapplication value. Many invention activities in modern science are closely associated withthe representation transition of spatial cognition. Applications of spatial cognition havefound their value not only in the information processing of small-scale but also in large-scale spatial information. The spatial cognition is the important part of social cognition andsocial information process. Mental rotation test (MRT) is one of the way to test spatialcognition which popular used in many fields. CAD and some other lessons play animportant role in improve spatial cognition. Recently, all the researchers focus on theproblem about how to improve the MRT score. This study compare the normal major withmechanical major by using MRT and Embedded Figure Test (EFT), in order to testify themechanical majors whether could help to improve the MRT score. The purpose of thisstudy is to investigate the relation between different major and MRT score. Subjects were76students from Suchow university which come from ordinary major and machinerymajor.The results showed that (1)The mechanical students is better than ordinary majorstudent in MRT(P<0.01).(2) boy is better than girl in MRT(P<0.01).(3) Fieldindependence is better than field dependence in spatial ability.
Keywords/Search Tags:college student, Spatial cognition, Cognitive style, Embedded Figure Test
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